श्री जिनरत्नकोशः ।
AWGETTCVN in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 305. Perhaps the Sanskrit rendering of the
A didactic poem in 37 Apabhrarifa stanzas by Jinaprabhasüri of the Kharar tara Gaccha. Baroda. No. 6117; BK. No. 2111. See below.
भव्य कुदुम्बचरित्र Probably the same as Bhavyaku tumba, cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 266. JG. p. 228; PAPL. 8 (4).
भव्य कुमुदचन्द्रिका by Asidhara. This is the name of the author's commentary on his own Dharmamṛta.
by Kṣamapati. SG. No. 1697. wegfa Buh. IV. No. 235. भाद्रपदपर्युषणाविचार in Sanskrit prose by Harsa - bhüsanagani. Punjab. No. 1976 (ms. dated Sam. 1486). Also see Paryugan
refier see Bhavyajanabbaypal. भारतीयोपदेश JG. p. JG. p. 286; Punjab. No. 1977 (Sanskrit).
भानुचन्द्रगणिचरित composed during the reign of Emperor Jehangir by Siddhicandragani, pupil of Bhanucandra of the Tapa Gaccha. It contains four chapters having respec tively 128, 187, 76 and 358 Sanskrit stanzas. It is edited with a learned Introduction by M. D. Desai in the Singhi Jain Series, No. 15, Ahmedabad, 1941. भानुसप्तमीकथा Bik. No. 168.
Jain Education International
wwwwfew in 44 Apabhraihda stanzas composed by (I) waar by Allu. The name Allu is explained Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 265 (quotation).
as a popular form of Arjuna by the com mentator of Chandaḥkośa, cf. BUJ. Nov. 1988, p. 51 (para 30). AM. 243 (See Allūkṛtabhāvanā); JG. p. 186.
भव्य जनकण्ठरत्नाभरण of Abhayacandra. Mud. 361. भव्य जनभयापहार also called Pancajasnavedanoper nisad or Bharatiyopadesa or Vidyatattva (II) is the 16th chapter of Indranandin's Nigamastava; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 329. Baroda. No. 2718; Hamsa. No. 1586; Pet. IV. No. 1477-IV. A. p. 164; Punjab. No. 1570; Vel No. 1764.
(I) arcfree of Mallisena, papil of Jinadeva. See Anekanta I. p. 428. SRB. 113.
of Nemicandra. SG. No. 1320. This is the 6th chapter of the author's Tribhangīsāra. But see under it.
(II) wa
Anonymous. Buh. VI. No. 650; DA. 54 (75); SG. No. 1902.
(III) wat in 117 Gathas, of Śrutamuni. pupil of Balacandra, pupil of Abhayacandra. Published in the MDG. Series, No. 20. Bombay, Sarn. 1978. This is the same as No. (I) above.
by Amitagati. This is in Sanskrit and
contains 121 stanzas and is otherwise known as Samayikapatha. It is published in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sari 1979. CP. p. 677. Compare also Winternitz, History, II. p. 567.
T DB. 57 (64; 65); DB. 34 (12 to 14).
भावनाकल्प in Prakrta Punjab. No. 1978 (foll. 26). भावनाकुलक See Dana(I) are by Devendrasadha. silatapobhavanakulaka. Bhand. VI. No. 1229; Bik. No. 1586; Buh. II. No.303; DA. 57 (42, 43); DB. 33 (62); Limdi. Nos. 699; 930, Pet. V. Na 803; SA. Nos. 902, 1953, Surat 1, 5, 8, 9; VD. 10 (15).
(1) Tika by Devavijayagani. Bik. No. 1586, DB. 33 (62).
(2) Avacuri. VD. 10(15); Surat. 1. (II) भावनाकुलक in Apabbrarita by Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 270.
Perhaps the same as above. Chani. (III) ago by Yasoghosa, in 45 Gathās,
No. 831.
Patan Cat. I. P 403.
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