ग्रन्थाविभागः प्रथमः।
(7) Avacūrņi or Tīkā. Anonymous.
Sanskrit. List (Savai Jaypor). Agra. Nos. 61 ; 69; Bt. No. 5 (2); (I) HEIREAT See Nimitta. For a summary Buh. III. No. 122 ; DA. 74 ( 45 ); PAP.
of contents, see Vel. No. 385. In this 77 (3, Gram. 2419); Punjab. Nos. 1938;
book, there is a very close imitation of 1939; 1941, SA. Nos. 2711 ; 2712;
more than a hundred verses from Durga2713; 2714; 3117.
deva's Ristasamuccaya composed in Sam. (8) Bijaka by Harsakula (Gram.
. 1089. It is considered as a fraud by J.K. 420). DA. 7 (9; 10; 11; 15); JG.
Muktyar at Jaina Hitaişı, Vol. 12, p. p. 4 ; Limdi. No. 288 ; SA. Nos. 101 ;
421-442; 521-39. AD. Nos. 174, 179, 1505; 1645 ; Surat. 1, 9.
Bengal. No. 7947 ; BK. No. 1706 ; BO. (9) Bijaka composed in Sam. 1763.
p. 31; Buh. V. No. 54; VI. No. 6491, PAPS. 9 ( 13 ).
CMB. 166 ; 267; 168 ; 169, 170, DB. (10) Alāpaka. DA. 7 (7; 8; 12;
24 (160); Hamsa. No. 203 ; JG. P. 13, 14; 16-20); Surat. 9.
348 ; Kath. No. 1116 ; PAPR. 18 (9), (10) Tripātha. Bik. No. 1636;
Punjab. No. 1952 ; SA. No. 194; SB. 2 Surat. 1.
(166); Tera. 12, 46, VC. 10 (16); (11) Stabaka by Padmasundaragani.
Vel. No. 385. DA. 5 (6); DB. 3 (3); Limdi. Nos. (II) PETECat by Dharmamurti. BK. No. 235.
364; 365; PAPS. 8 (1); 10 (1). Ha part by Surendrabhūsaņa. CP. p. 672.
(III) Falgar on the Law of Inheritance. It
is published with English translation by grad KB. 3 (3).
J. L. Jaina, Arrah, 1916. This is some । भट्टारकपदस्थापनाविधि CP. p. 677...
times considered as a part of the bigger SATU JG. p. 268. .
Bhadrabahusambitā along with No. (1) qatge JG. p. 256.
above; cf. JH. Vol. 12, p. 421-422. (1) Huge FET (Be: sadbodhabhānunā.) in four HEAT in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530.
chapters containing respectively 129, 93, HTET E composed in Sar. 1451, by Jinadatta99 and 177 stanzas composed by Ratna
sūri. Bik. No. 1521 (Be : bhayarabiyam nandin, pupil of Anantakirti. It is in
guna ). Sanskrit and is published by the Manager HUETEaqa by Sthulabhadra. Buh. II. No. 298; Jain Bharati, Benares, Vira Sam. 2437.
JG. p. 285. It refers to the origin of the Luikā
Hertaga by Mánatunga in 20 Gāthas (Be : namiGaccha which took place in Sam. 1527,
ūņa paņaya ). It is otherwise called at IV. 157-159. It is also published in the ZDMG. Vol. 38, pp. 19-41. AD.
Namiūņa Stotra froin its commencing
words. It is published with an Avacūri Nos. 115; 147; Buh. VI. Nos. 647 (dated
of an unknown author, in the DLP. Sam. 1616 ); 648 ; CP. p. 677; Hum.
Series, No. 79, Bombay 1932. Agra. 249 ; Idar. 105 ( 3c.); Pet. II. No. 272;
No. 3329; BO. p. 29; Bod. No. 1387 III. No. 541 ; IV. No. 1462; (=IV. A.
(3); DA. 56 (94); DB. 24 (76-79), p. 161); V. No. 962 (dated Sam. 1646);
35 (98); 46 (39); Flo. No. 685; SG. No. 1984; Tera. 6-11.
Hamsa. Nos. 1163; 1294; JA. 60 (11); (II) paigaita by Ratnakirti. KO. 34, 44.
JG. p. 285; Kath. No. 1229; Limdi. Perhaps the same as above.
Nos. 860; 862; 1399; 1630 ; 1700 ; (III) भद्रबाहुचरित्र by Ratnacandra Bhattaraka in |
1725; PAZB. 3 (12), Pet. I. No. 232;
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