by Siddhasena, pupil of Devabhadra of TETIETYTU () by Sricandra, pupil of the Candra Gaccha. See Vel. Nos. 1640
Hemacandra of the Maladhari Gaccha. -1641. In this commentary, the author
JG. p. 127. See Pratyākhyānakalpapientions Padmaprabhacaritra as his own
vicara. work, (on pp. 187, 440, 442) along Tagalegra ET DB. 42 ( 4). with other works. See HJL. p. 338. argfaragrafe (Gram. 5000 ) by Devasūri. VA. Bhand. V. Nos. 1205 ; 1206 ; BR. No.
12 (3); foll. 70. 354; Bt. No. 71 (1); Buh. II. No. 221, 495915 in 34 Gāthās (Be : samsāravişamasaDA 28 ( 4-7); 29 (1-6); DB. 14 ( 3;
yara ). This is the Pravrajyāvidhana 4); DC. pp. 34; 40; Jesal. No. 85; JG.
(s. v.) of Paramānanda. Bengal. No. p. 127, JHA. 37; JHB. 24 (2c.); Kaira.
6979; Bik. No. 1509 ; Flo. No. 614; A. 11; Kiel. II. No. 387 ; III. No. 9;
JHA. 33; JHB. 27 , Punjab. No. 1788; Kundi. No. 327; Limdi. Nos. 698;
Surat. 1. 785; 3413; Mitra. VIII. p. 178; PAP. |(1) aura gra in 34 Gāthās, also called Pravra 13 (9, 10; 13; 14); PAPS. 74 (3),
jyäkulaka, by Paramānandasuri, pupil of PAS. Nos. 48; 297 ; PAZB. 4 (6; 7);
Abhayadevasuri, pupil of Bhadreśvarasūri. Pet. I. A. pp. 25; 88; Punjab. No. 1787;
See JG. p. 81, foot-note C. It is publiSA. No. 276; VC 9 (22); Vel. Nos
shed in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No 1640; 1641; Weber. II. Nos. 1938;1939.
49, Bombay, 1927. Bengal. No. 6979; (2) Vişamapadavyākhyā (Gram
Bhand. V. No. 1207; Bik. No. 1509 ; 3203 ) by Udayaprabha, pupil of Ravi
Bt. Nos. 207 ; 208 ; Buh. IIL No. 107 ; prabha, pupil of Yaśobhadra, pupil of
DB. 35 (152); Flo. No. 614; Hamsa. Dharmaghosa. Agra. No. 845 ; Bengal.
Nos. 451; 1452; JA. 96 (5); 105 ( 4 ); No. 7456; BK. No. 391 ; Bt. No. 71
106 (4); JG. p. 185, JHA. 64 ; KN. (2); Bub. II. No. 237 ; DA. 29 ( 18 );
15 ; Limdi. No. 61 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 25; DB. 14 (5; 7); JA. 56 (1); JB. 118;
33 ; 68; 70; 110; 161; 278; 296 , JG. p. 127 ; PAPL. 3 (3); 5 ( 33 );
372, 374 ; 410; Pet. I. A. pp. 91; 100; PAZB. 19 (15); Pet. III. A. pp. 126 ;
III. A. pp. 10; 28; V.A.pp. 54, 63; VB. 262; Punjab. No. 1786 ; SA. No. 1554.
23 ( 32 ); Vel. No. 1644. (3) Visamapadaparyāya (Gram.
(1) Tikā by Jinaprabhasūri. Bt. No. 3303). PAP. 13 (4); PAPS. 62 (13).
208 ; JG. p. 185. (4) Bālāvabodha by Padmamandira
(2) Tīkā (Gram. 4500) composed
in Sam. 1328 ( 1338 of JG. and Bt. is a yaņi. AZ. 2 (19 dated Sam. 1651 ).
mistake. The date is given in the words (5) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. Nos.
'varsesta-paksayakşākhye '-PRA. 1851 ), 839 ; 842 ; 844 ; DA. 29 (7 ; 8); JA.
by Pradyumnasuri, pupil of Kanaka73 (1); Hamsa. No. 1170 ; KB. 3
prahha, pupil of Devänanda. The first (17); Kundi. No. 388 ; PAS. No. 16;
copy was made by Munideva, pupil of Pet. I. No. 294; Surat. 1, 5, 7, Vel.
Madanacandra, a descendant of VadidevaNo. 1642.
sūri. Bhand. V. No. 1303 ; Bt. No. प्रवचनसारोद्धारगतकुलक by Nemicandra. This is a
207, Buh. III. No. 107; Hamsa. portion of the Pravacanasāroddhāra, na
No. 1462; JG. p. 185; JHA. 64; mely Gathās 1232-1248. Vel. No. 1643.
Limdi. No. 61 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 45 (1) Vrtti. Anonymous. Vel. No.
(quotations ); PRA. No. 851; VB. 1643.
23 ( 32).
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