ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः
(II) 99$at by Candrasekhara. Buh. II. No. Fue Surat. 1, 3.
363 (This is really Rājasekhara's Catur Tareas by Räma Kavi, who and his work are vimsatiprabandha ). JG. p. 215.
mentioned by Mäņikyacandra in his (III) Tariat of Jayasekhara. A copy of this
Sāntināthacaritra. Patan Cat. I. p. 204, book was seen by Sir Dr. Bhandarkar at
v. 17. Māņikyacandra composed Pārsvathe Dela Upashraya of Ahmedabad ; cf.
năthacarita in Sam. 1276. Bhand. IV. Intro. p. 17. Is it the
| प्रबन्धावलि Consisting of many different stories comPrabodhacintamani ?
posed by Jinabhadra, pupil of Udayapraप्रबन्धचतुर्विशति See Caturvilinsatiprabandha.
bhasuri in Sam. 1290 for the sake of (I) THEATRIO composed in Sam. 1361, by
Vastupāla's son. Compare Sadhana SamaMerutunga, pupil of Candraprabha of the
grī, p. 22. Nagendra Gaccha; cf. Vel. No. 1753.
qarorgairaht of Rājasekhara. See CaturvitsaIt is published with Gujrati translation
tipra bandha. Hamsa. No. 1361 ; Jesal. by Ramachandra Dinanath, Bombay,
No. 1108. 1888. It's English translation by C. R.
प्रबुद्धरौहिणेयम् a drama in 6 Acts composed by Tawney is published in the Bibliotheca
Rāmabhadra, pupil of Jayaprabbasūri, a Indica Series, Calcutta, 1899-1901. It
descendent of Vādidevasuri. It is published is recently critically edited by Muni Jina
in the JAS. Series, No. 50, Bhavnagar, vijaya in the Singhi Jaina Series, Santi
1917. Also cf. Hultzsch, ZDMG., Vol. 75, niketana, Bengal, 1933, and also by
p. 66. It treats of the story of a robber Durga Shankar Kevalram Shastri, in the
called Rauhiņeya, for which see HJL. P. Forbus Gujrati Sabha Series, Bombay,
325. Agra. No. 2991; BK. No. 119; 1932. Baroda. No. 2868; Buh. IV.
Chani. No. 454 ; JG. p. 337; PAPR. 9 No. 249, DA. 51 ( 35 ); DB. 30 ( 34);
(17); PAZB. 14 ( 20 ); SA. No. 339. JG. p. 216, Limdi. No. 1181 ; PAP.
Tala Agra. No. 959; KB. 1 ( 20 ); 3 60 (8); PAPS. 66 (122); Pet. III. No. 617 ; VB. 22 ( 40 ); Vel. No. 1753.
(65). (II) yarafaíor by Guņacandrasūri. PAPS.
(I) प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयनाटक by Dharmasena. CP. p.
670. 67 ( 67 ; ms. dated Sam. 1520).
(II) qiym a tea by Ratnasekhara, pupil of qar95seems to be only a part of some work.
Munisundarasuri, of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 216.
PAS. No. 59. TFT composed in Sam. 1517, by Ratna
(1) Vrtti by Ratnasekhara. JG. p. mandiragani, pupil of Nandiratna of the
337. Tapā Gaccha. The other name of the
raiuferatafor composed in Sarn. 1462, by Jayawork is Bhojaprabandha, since it contains
sekharasuri, pupil of Mahendraprabha of a traditional account of King Bhoja of
the Ancala Gaccha. It consists of 7 Dhara. It is written in Sanskrit prose
chapters with a total of about 2000 and is published by Pandit Bhagvandas,
Sanskrit verses. It is published by the Ahmedabad, Sam. 1978. Buh. VI. No.
JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. Agra. No. 723 ; JG. p. 216 ; PRA. No. 896 ;
Nos. 961; 962, Baroda. No.2867, Bengal. Vel. No. 1754.
Nos. 6669, 7495 ; Bik. No. 1717 ; BK, YAYENE Agra. No. 1805.
No. 239; Buh. IV. No. 173 ; Chani. No. gauert of Rāma. See Prabandhābdhi.
464 ; DB. 19 (11); JG. p. 185; PAP. J.......34
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