ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
(3) A vacūri by Sadhuratna, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccba. BK. Nos. 795; 983; 1387 ; BOD. Nos. 1360; 1361 ; 1362; DA. 58 (1-8 ); 76 ( 40 ), DB. 34 (19-21); Hamsa. No. 855; JG. p. 124; JHA. 69 ; PAPL. 3 (19); PAPS. 53 (20); 65 ( 33 ); 69 (32, dated Sam. 1515 ); PAZB. 10 ( 24 ); Pet. V. No. 734 ; SA. Nos. 1787; 2639, VD. 8 (7); Vel. No. 1622; Weber. II. No. 1933.
(4) Tikā composed by Samaya" sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. 1698 ; see HJL. p. 589. Bik. No. 1602 ; BK. Nos. 319; 1328 ; JG. p. 124; KB. 3 (60); PAPR. 18 ( 23 ), PAPS. 48 (2; 3); Punjab. No. 1404.
(5) Bālāvabodha composed by Somasundara, pupil of Devasundara of the Tapā Gaccha, in Sam. 1502. Bhand. VI. No. 1183 (ms. dated Sarn. 1502 ); Bod. No. 1360 (3); Buh. III. No. 111 (ms. dated Sam. 1517); DA. 58 (18; 20); Hamsa. No. 1661; PAPS. 48 (1-3); 68 (73); PRA. No. 1043.
(6) Vivaraña (Gram. 250) by Paramānandasuri. VB. 18 (18).
(7) Vivarana by Māņikyasekhara of the Aricala Gaccha. This is mentioned in the author's Avasyakadipikā. PRA. No. 927.
(8) Tīkā by Tejasimha, pupil of Harşa, pupil of Kalyāņa of Pārsvānkapura Gaccha. PRA. No. 1197.
(9) Tikā ( Anonymous. Be :- viram visvesvaram ). Bod. No. 1363.
(10) Tikā ( Anonymous. Be :- jayati śrīmahāvīra ). Bik. No. 1499.
(11) Avacūri by Mānavijayagani, pupil of Sāntivijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. It was composed during the reign of Vijayānandasūri and is in old Gujarati. DA. 58 (33; 34), Kiel. I.
No. 40 ; PRA. No. 778, VA. 9 (51); VC. 8 (14).
(12) Bālāvabodha by Harsavardhana Upādhyāya. DA. 58 (19; 24); JG. p. 124 ; PAP. 19 (32 ; 34); Pet. IV. No. 1276 ; SA. No. 1908 ; VB. 19 (24).
(13) Vārtika (in old Gujarati) by Ratnalabha, pupil of Vivekaratnasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha Kath. No. 1382; PRA. No. 791.
(14) Tikā composed in Sarn. 1797 by Ratnacandra. HJL. p. 659.
( 15 ) Tikā. or Avacuri (Anon. ). Agra. Nos. 1202 to 1208 ; BO. p. 30; Fol. No. 605; Hamsa. Nos. 280; 887; 1069; 1212; 1317; Punjab. Nos. 1408 ; 1410; 1412; 1414; 1417; 1419; 1420 ; 1424 ; 1426; SA. No.
1908 ; Samb. No. 287 ; VD. 8 (7). (IV) agatatu in about 14 Gāthās, composed
by Jinacandra (Devaguptasuri ), pupil of Kakkasuri of the Upakesa Gaccha. It is published with the Bhāsya of Abhayadeva and Yasodeva's Vivarana on it, by the JAS. ( Series No. 10), Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. Navapadaprakarana (II) is another work of this same author. Bhand. V. No. 1198 ; BK. Nos. 142; 171 ; DA. 76 (42); Hamsa. No. 265; JA. 105 (1; 6); 106 (4); JG. p. 125; KB. 3 ( 20 ); Mitra. IX. pp. 130, 131, PAP. 9 (5), 45 (8; 23), 68 (8); PAPR. 9 (13); PAPS. 34 ( 16 ); 57 ( 16 ); PAZB. 13 (2); Pet. I A. pp. 28; 46 ; 62 ; III. A. p. 280; IV. No. 1275, V. A. pp. 40; 93; SA. Nos. 156 ; 175, 1591, 1679; 2644; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; VB. 19 ( 1 ).
(1) Bhāsya by Abhayadevasūri, the author of the Navāngavrtti. The Bhäsya consists of Prākrta Gathās, which number 139. Bhand. V. No. 1198; VI. No. 1184 ; BK. Nos. 142; 171 ; DA. 76 (41) DB. 17 ( 20; 21); 34 ( 16 ); Hamsa. No.
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