प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
(1) Bhásya in Prākrta consisting of
KB. 5 (38); 7 (14); PAP. 47 (1; about 6529 Gāthās (Grar, about 7000).
8); PAPM. 24 (dated San. 1320); It is sometimes ascribed to Sanghadäsa.
PAPR. 13 (7); PAZA. 5 (1); PAZB. ( Be :-navabambhacera ; cf. Pet. V. A. p.
2 (6); 16 ( 20 ); Pet. I. A. p. 6; VB. 100). AM, 302; Bhand. VI. No. 1188;
18 ( 22 ; 30 ). Bt. No. 30 (1); DA. 14 (2); DB 6
(5) Vyākhyā of Jinadāsa's Cūrni on (16); DC. pp. 24; 27 ; Flo. No. 528;
the XXth chapter of the Sūtra. This is Hamsa. No. 30, JA. 32 (1); Jesal.
also called Vimboddesakavrtti and was Nos. 565; 567; 837 (all palm mss. );
composed in Sam. 1174 by Sri Candrasuri JG. p. 10; Kiel. II. No. 36 (ms, dated
also known as Pārsvadevagaņi and pupil Sam. 1146 ); II. No. 8; Limdi. No.
of Dhanesvarasuri, pupil of Silabhadra 44 ; Kundi. Nos. 174; 214 ; PAPM. 24;
(cf. DI. p. 30). In the Prasasti to this 32, PAPS. 37 (2); 76 (23); Pet. V.
commentary however, he calls himself a A. p. 100, SA. No. 482, Strass. p. 308;
pupil of Silabhadra. See Kap. No. 449. Surat. 1 ( 482); Weber. II. No. 1875.
AM. 8 ; Bhand, V. No 1201 ; VI. No.
1187; Bt. No. 30 (4;5); Chani. No. (2) Brhadbhasya (Gram. 12000).
530 ; DA. 14 (1; 6); DB. 6 ( 15 ); JA. Anonymous. Bt. No. 30 (1); DB. 5
32 (1); JG. p. 10; Kiel II. No. 38; ( 16 ); JG. p. 10.
PAP. 15 ( 16; 17 ); 47 ( 5); PAPS. 70 (3) Visesacūrņi (Gram. 28000) by
(7); PAZA. 4 (1); PAZB. 18 (1); Jinadasagani Mabattara, pupil of Pra
VA. 10 ( 14). dyumna. (Be :-namiū ari. ). In this
( 6 ) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 452-456. commentary Siddhiviniscaya, Sarmati
(7) Bhāsyaviveka by a pupil of Ratua tarka, Naravāhanadattakathā, Magadha
prabha. JG. p. 12. senā and Tarangavati are mentioned ; cf. ABORI., Vol. 16, p. 300. AM. 8;
ANT1 of Padmanandin. Limdi. No. 610 ; Bhand. V. No. 1201; VI No. 1187 ; Bt.
Pet. IV. Nos. 1442 ; 1443. No. 30 (3); Buh. III. No. 114; Chani. Fageracitatura in 14 Gāthäs. DA. 76 (75). No. 530; DB. 6 ( 15; 17; 18 ); DC. pp. fattaertraga DB. 44 (90); Limdi. Nos. 6; 12; 23 ; 39 ; Hamsa. Nos. 71; 1634;
1995 ; 2581 ; 2885; SA. No. 3030. JA. 32 (1), Jesal. No. 567 ; JG. p. 10; fage a l of Candrasuri. Kundi. Nor 84 ; JHA. 19; JHB. 20; Kiel. II. Nos. 36
cf. also JG. p. 111. (dated Sam. 1146), 37, 38; (all palm
a gregraraan by Candrakirti, pupil of mss. and old ones ); Kundi. Nos. 98 ;
Vimalasuri ( Gram. 3670 ). JA. 56 (1), 113; 173 ; 419; PAP. 15 (16, 17);
dated Sam. 1212; JG. p. 129. See PAPM. 32; PAPS. 37 (2); PAS. No.
Siddhāntoddhāra. 481 (dated Sam. 1187); PAZA. 4 (1); PAZB. 2 (6); Pet. III. A. p. 25 ; V. A.
fara Bhand. V. No. 1293. p. 100; Punjab. No. 1474 ; SA. Nog. atau Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7517. 483; 484 ; 485 ; Strass. p. 376; Surat afateta of Subhacandra. Mud. 396. 1, 2, 5, 8.
affaqifiga by Somadevasuri. In the colophons (4) Bhāsya or Cūrņi. Anonymous.
of this work the author mentions the Chani. No. 421; DA. 76 ( 80 ; 89 );
following works as his own-ŞaņnavatiFlo. No. 529; JB. 53 ; Jesal. No. 1732;
prakarana, Yukticintamani, Mahendra
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