प्रन्यविभागः प्रथमः।
824.ms.); Lima 1); Jesal. Nos. Nos
( 21 ); 74 (32); PAZB. 21 ( 36 ); Pet.
Gāthās from it ; see Anekānta, III. pp. I. A. p. 24; SA. Nos. 448 ; 845 ; 2041;
409 ; 378. 2662; Strass. p. 379; Surat. 1, 5, 7. (VI) Faring by Haribhadrasuri. See HJL. p. (1) Svopajña Vrtti (Gram. 9000 ).
162. Bt. No. 95, SA. Nos. 845 ( foll. 131); 9575 by Indravāmadeva. This is a San2041 (foll. 176 ).
skrit version of Nemicandra's Gommata(2) Ţikā by Malayagiri (Gram.
sāra. It has five chapters containing 18850). AM. 305 ; 313; Baroda. No.
respectively 825, 141, 125, 187, and 2848 ; Bengal. No. 2520; Bhand. VI.
220 Slokas ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 74; JA. Nos. 1191 ; 1192 ; 1193; BO. p. 30;
31 ( 2 ); Buh. VI. No. 578; DA. 52 (1; 4; 5);
15TThingu Agra. No. 1235. DB. 32 (1; 2); DC. p. 7 ; Hamsa. Nos. 809; 850; JA. 55 (1); Jesal. No. 1705
T erdarar Bhand. VI. No. 1013. (palm ms.); Limdi. Nos. 517 ; 823; 9577-1972 in Sanskrit by śāntiraja Kavi. SG. 824 ; Mitra. X. p. 304 ; PAP. 25 (19);
No. 1894. PAPM. 58; PAPR 10 (8); PAPS. 71
957 afastfit Buh. II. No. 211 (dated Sam. (21); 74 ( 32); PAZB. 19 (13); Pet. L. A. p. 24; V. A. p. 32; Punjab. No.
1672); JG. p. 130. 1529 ; SA. Nos. 441; 1675; Strass. p. 957#hatasaga Bengal. No. 7054. 379 ; Surat. 1, 5, 7.
950s consisting of five chapters respectively called (II) Tae (Digambara) by Dhaahdha in
Pāpapratighātaguņabījādhāna, SädhuSanskrit. Idar. 21.
dharmaparibhāvana, Pravrajyagrahaņa(III) 289C (Digambara ) of Nemicandra. This
vidhi, Pravrajyāpālana and Pravrajyāis another name of the author's Gomma
phala. It is ascribed to some unknown tasāra ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 74; V. Nos.
ancient author. Compare Pet. I. A. p. 929 ; 930; Winternitz, History, II. p.
65 ; ILI. A. p. 293, IV. A. p. 104. The
text with Gujrati translation is published (IV) POTETE (Digambara ) composed in Sam. by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1981, 1073 by Amitagati, pupil of Mādbava
as also by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. sena of the Māthura Sangha. Published
1970. It is recently edited with introducin the MDG. Series, No. 25, Bombay, A.D.
tion etc. by Dr. A. N. Upadhye, Kolhapur, 1927. It is in mixed prose and verse
1934. Agra. Nos. 828-831 , AM. 266 ; and is almost a Sanskrit version of the
Bband. VI. No. 1194 ; BK. No. 22 ( the Gommatasāra ; PR. No. 74; SG. No.
original is here ascribed to Candrarsi); 2441.
BO. p. 60; Bt. No. 25; Buh. II, No. (V.) Peug in Prākrta. It contains five chapters
209, VI. No. 740; Chani. No. 872; namely Jivasvarūpa, Prakrtisamutkirtana,
DA. 27 ( 102; 103); DB. 13 (66; Karmastava, Šataka and Saptatikā. For
67 ), Hamsa. No.. 832; JA. 47 (2), the only ms. dated Sam. 1527, see Ane
106 (1); JG. p. 100; PAP. 19 (123) kānta, Vol. III. p. 256. Many of these
75 ( 86 ), PAPR. 1 (18); PAS. No. Gathas are found in the Dhavala of Vira
107 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 65, 82, 92, III. A. sena (composed in Śaka 738). Yet it
pp. 127, 293 ; IV. A. p. 104 ; Punjab. may have been composed long after the
No. 1531 , SA. Nos. 540 , 778 ; 1893 , Dhavalā and may have borrowed the
2020, Strass. p. 423, Surat. 1, 4, 5.,
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