ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
ist on Astrology, JG. p. 311 ; Kundi. No. (VIII) qaafta (Gram. 8000) by Abhayadeva. 9 ; Punjab. No. 1565; Samb. No. 349.
suri in Prākrta. VA. 10 (25). This is (I) qafty of Hemacandra. See Trişastisalākā- ' doubtful. purusacaritra, Book No. VII. Bhand.
(IX) Elarta Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 5. VI. No. 1319, PAPS. 46 (3); 47 (X) arte in Apabhramsa by Caturmukha (14); 51 ( 14; 15); 60 ( 34); PAZA.
Svayambhū. See Rāmāyaṇapurāņa. 9 (32), VB. 12 (11); 21 (25); 29
agara SA. No. 2842. (7); 30 ( 20 ). (II) Crafts in Sanskrit by Ravisena. See Pad
vaarafta by Candrasena. List (Delhi, Har
sukhraya Mandir); SG. No. 1763. mapurāņa No. I. (III) quia in Prākrta by Raviseņa. This is
qarqarastraat by Padmanandin. AD. Nos.
21; 30; 136; Bengal. No. 1523 ; published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar.
Bhand. IV. No. 300; Buh. VI. No. 630; Whether this belonged to the Svetambaras
CMB. 40; 56 ; 79 ; DLB. 16; Flo. Nos. or the Digambaras is yet not very clear.
678 ; 679; Idar. 19 ( 10c.); JG. p. 112; Compere JH. Vol. XI. p. 132.
Limdi. No. 610, Pet. III. No. 525; IV. (IV) gaits in Prakrta, by Vimalasuri, pupil of
Nos. 1442 ; 1443; V. No. 954, SG. Rähusuri. It contains 118 cantos and
Nos. 38; 630; 2561 ; Tera. 78 to 91. describes the life of Rāma in the Jain
(1) Tikā. AD. No. 136. version, where Padma is the name of
(I) qarToT (Gram. 2505 ) by Subhacandra, Rāma. It is edited by H. Jacobi for the
pupil of Jõānabhūsaņa. This work is JDPS., Bhavnagar, 1914. It was com
mentioned in the author's Pandavaposed towards the beginning of the Chri
purāņa ( s. v.). Idar. 11 ( 2c.); Idar. stian Era ; cf. Winternitz, History, II.
A. 54 ; 58 ; PAP. 78 (2); Pet. III, No. p. 489. Bhand. V. No. 1296; Buh. II.
526. No. 260; DB. 26 (9 ; 10); DC. p. 17
| (II) garagerup by Vidyābhūsaņa. Idar. 11 (dated Sam. 1198); DLB. 34; JA. 110
(dated Sam. 1680). ( 17 ); Jesal. No. 56; JG. p. 216; Kath. No. 1154 ; Kundi. No. 260;
(III) THRU by Somadatta. Idar. 11 (2c., Limdi. No. 707 ; PAP. 47 (10); 50
one copy dated Sam. 1660). ( 22), 60 ( 3); 73 (7); PAPR. 17
(IV) qaragarut (Bhavisyat ) by Sakalakirti, (1); PAPS. 41 (3); PAS. No. 195;
Idar. A. 58; Lal. 5. PAZB. 18 (3); Pet. III. A. p. 194; (I) 99garut in Sanskrit by. Ravisena, pupil of IV. No. 1281=IV. A. p. 104 (quo
of Lakşmaņasena, pupil of Arbanmuni, tation); PRA. No. 1339 ; SA. No. 161 ;
pupil of Divākara Yati. The book has Strass. p. 442 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6.
seven Adhikāras containing 123 chapters (V) qaafta by Devavijaya. See Rāmāyaṇa No.
in all and a total of about 18000 Slokas. I. JG. p. 226; Pet. III. No. 611;
It was composed in Vira Sam. 1204, i.e.
678 A. D. It is mentioned in Jinasena's Punjab. No. 1566.
Harivamsa Purāņa (I. 34). The author (VI).qaafta by Devabhadrasüri. VB. 29 ( 5; 6)
says that his work was based upon a ms. Perhaps the same as above.
of a similar work composed by Anutta(VII) qafta by Vijayasena. This is Deva
ravāgmin, pupil of Kirti, popil of Indravijaya's Rāmāyaṇa. Bub. II. No. 308
bhuti ; see Bhand. IV. p. 117ff., 417ff. ; (dated Sam. 1695).
CPI. p. 21. The work is recently pubJ....30
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