प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, 1 (II) aita (Gram. 3500) by Nayacandra Jamnagar, 1909. BK. No. 1338 ; Chani.
(Vinayacandra ?). VA. 9 (49). See No. 734 ; Hamsa. No. 1389; JG. p.
below Naladamayānticaritra (II). 254, JHA. 51; PAPL. 5 ( 32); PAZB. ( (32); PAZB. (III) Aefta by Hemacandra. DB. 31 ( 130 ).
efter by H 9 (15, dated Sar. 1480 ). (II) Tata (Gram. 500) by Munisundara.
(I) qui aita by Rsivardhana. Limdi. Nos.
1541 ; 2313 ; Surat. 5, 7, VB. 19 (23). JG. p. 225. नरवर्मनुपतिकथानक (Possibly the same as above No.
(II) GATE ta by Vinayacandra. Published (1). Agra. No. 1463 ; Buh. VI. No.
at Ambala, 1921. 732; DB. 29 ( 10 ); Kath. No. 1383
falwarc by Rāmacảndrasuri, pupil of Hema(dated Sam. 1652).
candrasuri. It is in 10 Acts and is pubATETET T This is mentioned as a Laukika
lished in the Gaek. 0. Series, Baroda, katha in the Nisitha Visesacūrņi (s. v.).
1926. It is quoted in Kumārapālaprati
bodha and Ganadharasārdhasatabrhadvrtti Teatret Bub. VI. No. 734; JG. p. 343. See
(Sam. 1995). See Intro. p. 35. Bt. No. Samvādasundara.
539 ; Chani. No. 305; JG. p. 336. PETTer Hamsa. No. 1532. A TTEET Agra. No. 821.
नलायनमहाकाव्य This is a big poem in ten Skandhas
divided into a hundred Sargas, contain(1) ARTE ( Be :-jayai bhuvanapai; Gram.
ing a total of about 4045 Slokas. 1750 ) composed in Sam. 1187 by
Another name of the poem is KubergMahendrasūri. The first copy of the
purāņa. It describes the life of King work was prepared by Śilacandragani.
Nala who is supposed to be an incarnaBt. No. 340 ; DC p. 54 (quotation).
tion of Kubera. It was composed before (II) FREIE12r in Sanskrit (Be:-atrevāsti
Samvat 1464 by Māņikyasūri, also called suvistirņe). Mitra. IX. p. 175.
Māņikyadeva of the Vata Gaccha. In (ILI ) aÅqrafie composed in Sarn. 1328 by
the colophons he describes himself as an Jinaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha.
author of Yasodharacaritra and Megha It is in the Apabhramsa language and
Nātaka. Agra. No. 2898; Baroda. No. contains about 70 stanzas. Patan Cat. I.
2835; BO. p. 59; DC. p. 55; JG. P. p. 188 ( quotation ).
331; Pet. III. A. p. 357 ( ms. dated (IV) #recteur Anon. One is published on
Sar. 1464 ); Tapa. 138; VB. 19 (5) behalf of Hamsavijayai Free Library,
VD. 6 (19); Vel. No. 1745. Ahamedabad, 1919. Bt. No. 340 (Gram. IFTTT by Nayasundara. DB. 41 ( 25 ). This 1700); DA. 50 ( 127 ; 128 ); DB. 31
is possibly an abridgement of the Nala(139, 140 ); Limdi. No. 577 (Gāthās
yana Mahākāvya. 249 ); VA, 9 (46); VC. 8 (1;2).
7781769 CMB. 165; SA. Nos. 655 ; 758. 1997 Bh:and. V. No. 1292; VI. No. 1317;
2015 in about 20 Gathās ( Be : ghanagbāya). Buh. II. No. 356; DB. 29 (10), JG.
Limdi. Nos. 1288; 3281 ; PAS. cf.
Patan Cat. I. pp. 44 ; 292; 372; 374. 091g see Damayantikathā.
नवकारपश्चत्रिंशत्पूजा in Sanskrit composed in Sari. (I) aguita in Sanskrit composed by Hitaruci,
1792 by a Digambara writer called Jaya: papil of Udayaruchi of the Tapā Gaccha,
rāma, pupil of Vidyānandin of the Vāņi in Sam. 1702. PRA. No. 480.
Gaccha. SG. No. 64.
p. 254.
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