ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
. No. 1506
Pet. v
922 ; V. A. p. 155; PR. No. 261; PRA. Nos. 288 ; 1244 (No. 38); Rice. p. 306; SA. No. 317 ; SG. No. 1315; Strass. p. 298 , Tera. 15; 16; 17; 46 ; 47; 48; 175; Weber. II. No. 1952.
(3) Astasāhasrītīkā called Vişamapadatātparya, by Laghu Samantabhadra. This is a commentary on No. 2. CMB. 28 ; CP. p. 622 ; KO. 152; Pet. V.A. p. 216 (quotation ); V. No. 920, Rice. p. 306.
(4) Astasähasrivivaranam composed by Nyayavisārada Yasovija yagani, pupil of Nayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Pet. VI. No. 546 = VI. A. p. 38 ( quotation ) ; PRA. No. 288.
(5) Aştasābasrimangalācaraṇavrtti. This is a commentary on the Mangalācaraña verse only, of the Astasahasri. CP. p. 622.
(6) Tikā by Vasunandin. AM. 366; Bengal. No. 1538; CP. p. 653 (4 copies) ;
Kath. No. 1090. देवानन्दाभ्युदयमहाकाव्य being a Padapurti Kavya
based on Māgha's Sisupālavadha, composed by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Krpāvijayagami of the Tapā Gaccha. It describes the life of Vijayadevasūri (No. 60) of the Tapā Gaccha, and was composed in Sam. 1755. It is recently published in the Singhi Jain Series, ( Vol. 7), 1937 A. D. It is also published by
the YJG., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. qar Bhand. VI. No. 1003. (I) देवाःप्रभोस्तोत्र also called Sadhāranajinastavana
and Sarvajñastava, composed by Jayanandasuri, pupil of Somatilakasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with a commentary in the MDG, series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. Also in the Digam. Jain Grantha Bhandar Series No. 1, Benares, Sam. 1982. Bhand. VI. No. 1175; BK. No. 1506; Chani. No. 773; 1..
CP. p. 707; DA. 41 (167-180, 184194); Flo. No. 675; Hamsa. No. 717; JG. pp. 280 ; 294; JHA. 58; 70; Kaira. B. 61 ; Limdi. Nos. 822; 932; PÁPS. 80 (45); Pet. I. No. 278; Pet. IV. No. 1369; V. Nos. 724; 894 ; VI. No. 641 ; PRA. Nos. 227; 305; 656; 1000, 1206 ; SA. Nos. 395; 1947 ; 1950.
(1) Svopajña Tikā. Bhand. VI. No. 1175; SA. No. 1947.
(2) Tikā composed by Vānararsi (Vijayavimalagaņi), pupil of Anandavimalasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. DA. 41 (184, 185, 188); JG. p. 280; Kaira. B. 61; Pet. I. No. 278; IV. No. 1369 = PRA. No. 1000.
(3) Țikā composed by Kanakakusala, pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Tapă Gaccha. BK. No. 1506; JHA. 58 ; 70 ; Pet. VI. No. 641; PRA. Nos. 227; 1206 (No. 31).
(4) Vrtti (Gram. 350 ) composed by Ratnacandra, pupil of Sänticandra of the Tapā Gaccha. This commentary of the author is mentioned by him in the Prasasti to Samyaktvasaptatikābālāvabodba. PRA. No. 305; VB. 19 ( 24 )
(5) Vrtti by Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpävijaya composed during the reign of Vijayaprabhasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. It was written out by Jiva vijayagani. JHA. 58 , PRA. No. 656 dated Sam. 1724).
(6) Tikā composed in Sam. 1710 by Jinavijaya. This is probably the same as No. 5 above. DA, 41 (187).
(7) Tikā by Vivekasāgara (?). DA. 41 (186).
(8) Tikā by. Visalarāja. Hamsa. No. 717.
(9) Vrtti or Avacuri. Anonymous. Chani. No. 773; Flo. No. 675 (Bet-devāh
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