प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
far by Haribhadrasuri in 8 Adhyāyas. See
Gaccha, composed by Ratnavijaya, and Winternitz, History, II. p. 584. It is
published in the YJG. Series. published with Municandra's commentary STAHIRIFT4 (Gram. 158 ). JG. p. 254. by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1967; 791 DB. 31 (1; 5). also in the Bibliotheca Indica, (edited by
WÁTH by Sāntisüri in Ardhamāgadhi (Be :-namiSuali), Calcutta, 1912 and by the Aga
una sayalagunarayanakulaharam). The modaya Samiti (Series No. 37 ), Surat,
text consists of 145 Prakrta Gāthās. 1924. It is published with a Gujrati
Both the text and the commentary by translation and explanation at Bombay, Jainapatra Office, 1922. Bengal. No.
Devendra are published by Jainadharma3054; Bhand. VI. No. 1179; BK. No.
vidyāprasāraka Varga, Palitana, 1905360, DA. 32 (22); DB. 16 ( 35;36);
1906 and also in the JAS. Series, No. 30,
Bhavnagar, Sam. 1970. The latter DC. p. 13; Hamsa. No. 337; JA. 25
edition contains also the commentary of (5); Jesal. No. 107; JG. pp. 99 ; 181 ;
Śāntisūri. Agra. No. 1192 ; Bengal. No. Limdi. No. 967; PAPR. 8 (7); PAPS.
7447 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1180 ; 1181 ; 66 (7); PAZB. 12 (4); Pet. I. A. p.
1220; BK. No. 148; DA. 30 44 ; III. A. p. 53 (dated Sam. 1181); VI. No. 588 ; SA. Nos. 212 ; 769, VC.
(11-17); 33 (44); DB. 15 (16);
Hamsa. Nos. 69; 119; 7 (24); VD. 7 (14); Weber. II. No.
1079; JA. 1954 A.
95 (7); 104 (1); KB. 3 ( 56 ); 8
(3); Kiel. IL No. 381; Limdi. No. (1) Tikā (Gram. 3000) composed
930, Mitra. IX. pp. 173, 174; PAP. 9 by Municandrasuri. Bengal. No. 3054;
( 4; 30 );PAPR. 7 (8); 12 (1); Bhand. VI. No. 1179; BK. No. 360;
PAPS. 12 (palm ms.); Pet. I. A. p. Bt. No. 81; DA. 32 ( 22 ); DB. 16
60; III. A. p. 24; VI. p. 141, No. 72; (35; 36); DC. p. 35; JA. 90 (3);
SA. Nos. 158; 248 ; 868; 1728 ; 1796 ; Jesal. No. 107; JG. pp. 99; 181 ;
Tapa. 118 (dated Sam. 1308); VB. Limdi. No. 967; PAZB. 12 ( 4 ); Pet.
18 (1). III. A. p. 53 (dated Sam. 1181 ); VI. No. 588; SA. No. 212; VC. 7 (24);
(1) Vrtti (Gram. 9682 ), (Be :Weber. II. No. 1954 A.
sajñānalocana. ) called Sukhabodhā, com
posed by Devendrasuri, pupil of Jagace धर्मबुद्धिपापबुद्धिकथा See Papabhuddhidharmabud
candrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. The first dhikathā.
copy was prepared by Vidyānanda ; THATTAIF* in 30 Gāthās ( Be :- namiūņa mahi
Dharmakirti and Hemakalasa helped to yamoham.) by Jayaghosa. JA. 106 (4);
correct it. Bhand. VI. No. 1181 ; Bt. JG. p. 200 ; Pet. III. A. p. 10 ( quota
No. 183; DA. 30 (11; 12); DB. 15 tion),
(16); Hamsa. No. 69, JA. 104 (1); WHAT composed by Meghavijaya, pupil of
JG. p. 181;JHA. 65 (dated Sam. 1498); Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No.
Kiel. II. No. 381; Mitra. IX. p. 174 ; 346 , PRA. No. 331.
PAP. 9 (4; 30 ); PAPR. 12 (1); Pet. धर्ममज्जूषाप्रकरण Perhaps the same as above.
I. A. p. 60; SA. Nos. 248 ; 1728, VB. Agra. No. 950; BO. p. 59; KB. 1
18 (1). (63, foll. 52).
(2) Vrtti by Santisuri of the CandraWÄHETTY is a short poem containing the life
kula ( Be :- siddham sarvajñamānamya ). sketch of Vijayadharmasuri of the Tapä.
BK. No. 148; DC. p. 52 (dated Sam.
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