Gāthās ; (4) Sadasīti in 86 Gathās; and (5) Sataka in 100 Gāthās. To these is often added a sixth Karmagrantha of Candrarsi Mahattara who is an old writer. This last is called Saptatikā and contains 79 Gāthās. See under Saptatikā, and under each of the five names given above. Of these, 1-4 are published with Svopajña Tikā, by JDPS., Bhavanagar, Sam. 19661968 and also in the Muktikamal Jain Mohanamālā, Baroda, Vir. Saro. 2447.
Agra. Nos. 1073 to 1116 different parts); AM. 196; 288; Bengal. No. 7450; Bhand. IV. No. 265 ; Vl. Nos. 1119 ; 1120 ; 1121 ; 1125; Bik. No. 1677, BK. No. 699; Buh. II. Nos. 179; VIII. No. 374 ; Cal. X. No. 94 ; Chani. No. 547 ; DA. 52 (15,16); 53 (175 ); 54 (1-55); 76 ( 22 ); DB. 32 (9-17; 24-29), JA. 83(1), JHA. 35; JHB. 30 ( 6c.); Kath. Nos. 1245 ; 1246; KB. 3 (52); 5 (9); Kiel. III. No. 148; Limdi. Nos. 518; 578 (Sataka only); 592; 675 (Sataka only); 711 ; 712, 752 ; 782, 783; 826; 827; 828 ; 996; 1088; 1208 ; 1236; 1350 ; 1503 ; 1611; 1613; 1694; Mitra. VIII. p. 53 ; PAP. 11 ( 10 ), PAPL. 7 ( 20 ); PAPR. 7 (3); 8 (2); PAPS. 54 (1; 3-6; 14 ); 56 ( 3; 5; 13); 59 ( 1; 5; 6-8); 70 (1); Pet. I. No. 282 ; 1. A.p. 29; III. A. p. 70; IV. A. p. 80 = IV. Nos. 1218; 1219; 1220; PRA. No. 1198 ; SA. Nos. 10; 1669 ; 1817; Samb. No. 246 ; SB. 2 (141 ; 142); VB. 8 ( 31 ); 9 (9; 11); VC. 4 (10 ; 12); VD. 4 (2;15 ); Vel. Nos. 1576-1586.
(1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 10137). Bhand. V. No. 1238; VI. Nos. 1120 ; 1121; Bod. No. 1357 ; Buh. II. No. 181 ; VIII. No. 374; Chani. No. 547; DA. 52 (15-16); 53 (1); 76 ( 22 ); DB. 32 ( 9-12); JA. 83 (1); JG. p. 118; Kath. Nos. 1245 ; 1246 ; KB.
3 (52); 5 (9); Kiel. III. No. 148 ; Limdi. No. 518 ; PAP. 11 (10) ; PAPS. 54 (1); 56 (13); 59 (1); 70 (1); Pet. I. No. 282 ; I A. p. 29; III. No. 584 ; III. A. pp. 70; 176; IV. No. 1220 ; SA. No. 10 ; SB. 2 ( 141 ; 142); VB. 8 ( 31 ); 9 ( 9; 11); VC. 4 (10; 12); VD. 4 ( 15 ); Vel. No. 1584.
(2) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1459 by Gunaratnasuri, pupil of Devasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha (Gram. 5407). DA. 53 ( 10 ); JG. p. 119; PAPR. 8 (2).
(3) Avacūri by Jūānasāgara. BK. No. 699.
(4) Avacūri by Munisekhara (Gram. 2958). JG. p. 119.
( 5 ) Bālāvabodha by Jayasoma. VD. 4 (2).
( 6 ) Avacūri. Anon, DB. 32 (14-17); Kiel. III. No. 149; Limdi. Nos. 713; 1136 ; PAPL. 7 ( 20 ); PAPS. 54 (3; 4; 14); Pet. V. Nos. 656; 657 ; Weber, II, No. 1930.
(7) Stabaka composed in Sam. 1700 by Sriharsa Vācaka, pupil of Jñānapadya, during the spiritual reign of Jñānaratnasūri. PRA. No. 1198.
(8) Stabaka by Jivavijaya. AM. 196.
(9) Bālavabodha by Yasassoma. DA. 54 ( 5, 6); Limdi. No. 1089.
(10) Bālāvabodha by Kalyāņa of the Katuka Gaccha. Limdi. No. 996.
(11 ) Stabaka. Anon. Limdi. Nos. 592; 826 ; 1208 ; 1236 ; 1351 ; 1537; 1613; 2272.
(12) Vivare na composed in Sam. 1459 by Kamalasamyama. JG. p. 119. It is only on the Karmastava and its Gram. is 150. It is again doubtful whether it is on this or on the older Karmastava.
( 13 ) Bālāvabodha ( on Sataka only ) by Maticandra. See Sataka No. II.
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