ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
Bhandar, l'atan, 58 (2; a palm-leaf |
the version of the Prabhāvakacaritra. It ms.); cf. Brown, p. 27.
contains 156 Sanskrit stanzas and is prin(IV) Fil e (aragazafat) This version
ted in the N. S. P. Edition of the Pracontains 85 Prakrta stanzas. Sangha
bhāvakacaritra, at pp. 36-46. Compare Bhandar, Patan, 2 ( 2; a palm-leaf ms. of
Brown, p. 30. the Kalpasūtra ); cf. Brown, p. 28, and #1134191472 (aa1a49u) This ver Patan Cat. I. p. 388. At Patan Cat. I.
sion consists of 67 Sanskrit stanzas. See p. 261 (quo. ), this version is ascribed
Brown, p. 31 ( Bhavnagar ms. on paper). to Vinayacandra, pupil of Raviprabha,
) f or (gå HIE927:) This verand contains only 78 Prākrta verses. This author had assisted Udayasimha in
sion contains 74 Sanakrit stanzas, compohis commentary on Dharmavidhi in Sam.
sed in Sam. 1325 by a layman called 1286 ; cf. Pet. V. A. p. 115.
Pradyumna at the request of Hariprabha(V) 1914 ( gal irtaagui ) This
sūri; cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 151 for quoversion is in about 132 Prakrta stanzas.
tations etc. PAS. No. 234 ( a palm-leaf Sangha Bhandar, Patan, 82(1; a palm-leaf
ms. of the Kalpasūtra ). ms. of the Kalpasūtra ); PAS. 221 (This
Fe (SOTAT HITS are ) This also is a plam-leaf ms. of the Kalpasutra);
version is in about 100 Präkrta staznas, Brown, p. 28. and Patan Cat. I. pp 147
composed by Bhāvadevasuri, who descri. (quotaion); 372; 406; (ms. dated
bes himself as a descendant of Kālikācārya Samvat 1377).
himself. This version is edited by (VI) 110 2 ( TEIEGIC iai) this ver
Leumann at ZDMG, Vol. 37, p. 493ff., sion is almost wholly identical with No.
and by Brown, Story of Kālaka, p. 87 ff. (V). JA. 60 (4; a palm-leaf ms. of the
AM. 206 ; DA. 18 (19); JA. 89 (8), Kalpasutra); PRA. No. 1294 ; cf. Brown,
Jesal. No. 386 ; Limdi. No. 89 (ms. dap. 29.
ted Sam. 1538 ); 263 ( ms. dated Sam. (VII) #1919 ( F ana') The version
1481 ) ; 930 ; Pet. I. A. p. 30; RAS. consists of about 88 Sanskrit stanzas,
London (ms. dated Sam. 1461, mentioncomposed by Vinayacandra, pupil of Rat
ed by Brown). nasimhasuri and author of Kalpasūtra-ţikā (XIII) FCS Car (@JITA UTIÊ) This ver(No. 7 in Sam. 1325). Ahmedabad,
sion contains 57 Prākrta stanzas compoLohar Pol Bhandar, 91 ( 3 ); PAZB. 21
sed in Sam. 1389 by Dharmaprabhasüri. ( 33 ); Sarigha Bhandar, Patan, 5 ( 2; a
Edited by Brown, at Story of Kālaka, palm-leaf ms. of the Kalpsutra ); cf.
p. 92 ff., and also by Leumann at ZDMG., Brown, p. 29, and Patan Cat. I. p. 377
vol. 37, p. 505 ff. Ahmedabad, Lohar ( ms. dated Sam 1364).
Pol Bhandar, 38 (3); (a ms. of the (VIII) folatiem ( pui faiça gel) This
Kalpasūtra ); Cambay, Vijayanemisuri version contains 52 Sanskrit Slokas,
Bhandar, 181 (2); PAZB. (19; dated which were composed by Mabesvarāsuri
Sam. 1502); for the other three of the Pallivāla Gaccha in Saro. 1365, as
European mss., see Brown, p. 93. an appendix to a ms. of the Kalpasūtra
The following mss. also are very probably written at his advice, in the same year.
of this version :-Limdi. Nos. 332 ; 598 JA. 60 (3) = Pet I. A. p. 29 = PRA.
(dated Sam. 1472); 774; and 930. The No. 1296. Compare Brown, p. 30.
two middle ones are illustrated with (IX) #&# # (seazaratzfs) This is
beautiful pictures.
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