ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
(II) anyag aala in Sanskrit (Graṁ. 1575).
and also by the JAS. Bhavnagar. Bt. No. 313. This is very probably
Bhand. V. Nos. 1342; 1343; BK. Somatilaka's work (see below).
Nos. 31 ; 1437; 1601 , Buh. II, No. Fagogíaatuita composed in Sar. 1424, by
318; DB. 22 (75; 76); 38 (32); Hamsa. Somatilakasuri, pupil of Sanghatilakasuri
Nos. 664 ; 675; 723 ; 1525; JG. pp. of the Rudrapalliya Gaccha. It is written
210; 289; PAP. 24 (30; ms. dated in Sanskrit. Buh. VI. No. 709; Chani.
Sam. 1514); 37 (110) ; 75 ( 8; 105 ); No. 390; PRA. Nos. 386 ; 893.
PAPS. 67 (129); PAZA, 10 (22); (1) FAITE Fu composed in Sam. 1492 by
Pet. III. No. 587 ; SA. No. 827 ; VB. 8
(7). See Vihāraśataka for other referJinamaņdanagani, pupil of Somasundara
er.ces. süri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in Sanskrt prose and verse mixed. It is pub
(1) Vrtti by Sudhabhusana of the lished by the JAS. Bhavanagar,( Series
Tapā Gaceba. DB. 22 ( 75 ); Hamsa. No. No. 34), Saṁ. 1971. Its Grarn. is 2456.
1524. Baroda. No. 2114; Bhand. V. Nos.
(2) Tika by Vibudharāja. BK, No, 1275-76 ; Chani. No. 25 ; DA. 50( 21 );
31. DB. 30 ( 29; 30); Hamsa. No. 405; (I) STEHT of Kalidasa. Kiel. I. Nos. 18; 19; II. No. 375; Mitra.
(1) Kumāratatparya by CaritravarVIII. p. 33 ; PAPS. 76 (19); PAS.
dhanagani. CC. 1. p. 110 ; Kiel. II. No. 194 ; Pet. I. No. 255 ; III. No. 586;
No. 244. IV. No. 1230; IV. A. p. 82 ; VI. No. 562; PRA. Nos. 775; 1324; SA. No.
(2) Tīkā (upto canto 7 ) by Srivija360 ; Surat. 1, 2, 11; VD. 15 (21);
yagani, pupil of Rāmavijayagani of the Vel. No. 1708.
Tapā Gaccha (Gramn. 1200). Bhand.
V. No. 336 dated Sam. 1713); JG. (II) FATTOTO Trw of Somatilaka. See Kumära
p. 334 ; PRA. No. 813; VA. 6(6; 7; 8). pālapratibodhacarita.
(3) Tikā (upto canto 7) by Jina(III) ATTIET-u Anon. JHB. 34 ; PAP. 59
samudrasuri, successor of Jinacandra, (19 dated Sam. 1464, Gram. 2456 ); PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I pp. 15–17).
successor of Jinabhadra of the Kharatara
Gaccha (Gram. 2728). Bhand. V. No. HITTHEI see Kumärpälacarita and Kumā.
337 = PRA. No. 814 ; VC. 4 ( 24). rapālacaritrakāvya.
(4) Avacūri ( upto canto 7 ) composBayrafts Bub. II. No. 339. This is Kurmā
ed in Sam. 1574 by Matiratna, pupil of putracaritra.
Ksamāmeru, pupil of Matisagara of the AlfaETT STREET by Vardhamānagaņi, pupil of
Upakesa Gaccha. Pet. II. Intro. p. 54ff. Hemacandrasuri. Pet. IJI. A. p. 316. It
(5) Tīkā by Dharmakirti (Digamis in 87 Sanskrit Slokas. No other ms.
bara ). Bt. No. 530. is known to me.
(6) Vrtti by Kalyānasāgara (Gram. कुमारविहारशतक containing the description of a
2100). VB. 10 (10). Jain temple called Kumāravihära at Patan built by King Kumarapāla by
(7) Tikä by Laksmivallabha. KB. 3 Rāmacandrasuri, pupil of Hemacandra
( 31 ). sūri. This is published with a brief
(8) Tīkā by Jinacandrasuri. VB. 24 Avacūri by the JDPS., Bhavanagar,
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