ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
(1) Tippana. BK, No. 1499 ; Hamsa. Raniera Faia by Ratnasekhara. See RsabhamaNo. 1511.
bimnastotra. SA. No. 1768. जैनतत्त्वपरिभाषा See Tarkaparibhasa.
ATHTETIT Bengal. No. 6793 ; Surat. 11. Ragnarar See Tarkabhaşā (I).
जैनरामायण See Ramayana. aparatie are also called Vicārakalikā (cf. Patan (I) alqalaqera by Jinasena. SG. No. 1653.
Cat. L. p. 87), of Sāntisuri. The author (II) Saragiggia Bengal. No. 1471, Kath. No. of the text i. e. Jainatarka, is said to be
1069. Siddhasena Divakaru ; that of the Vārtika safgangara Pet. IV. No. 1422. is unknown and that of the Vrtti on it is afast BO. p. 59. Santisuri, pupil of Vardhamānasūri. The arai Eiz composed in Sam. 1505, by Hematext of the Vārtika consists 55 Slokas in
hamsagani, pupil of Ratnasekharasuri of all, divided into four chapters. It is
of the Tapā Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2784. published with the commentary, in the acaria Bengal. No. 7251. Pandit, Benares, 1917. DC. p. 22 ; Jesal. No. 831; Kundi. No. 173. Also cf.
Baharu yay of Appayyārya, See JinendraPatan Cat. I. pp. 41 ; 86, 299, according
kalyāņābhyudaya. to the latter authority, the Vārtika is a (I) are of Gunanandin. This really commentary on Siddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra
seems to be the work of a pupil of Śru(s. v.).
takirti, who is mentioned in the last TÅatákaaa composed in Sam. 1791, by Bhā
stanza, and who must have based his work vaprabhasūri, pupil of Mahimaprabhasuri
on Guņanandin's version of the Jainendra of the Purnima Gaccha. The Stotra is a
Vyākaraña ; cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 49. Samasyāpūrtistotra based upon the
Published by the Sanātana Jaina GranthaKalyāṇamandira Stotra. In it, one line
mālā, Benares, A. D. 1914. Idar. 146 i. e. the last one from every stanza of the
(dated Sam. 1561 ); SRA. 49. Kalyānamandira is taken as the basis (II) Wargar by Pandit Vamsidhara, a very of each corresponding stanza, the three
recent writer who models his work on other lines being composed by the author.
the Siddhāntakaumudi of Bhattoji. This Baroda. No. 2760; BK. No. 1835; JG.
is mentioned in the introduction to the p. 280 ; PAPR. 8 ( 19 ); Pet. V. A. p.
edition of Gunanandin's works. 170 ( quotation); PRA. No. 1124.
(1) Vrtti Svopaña. Baroda. No (11) FEFEETIO of Meghavijaya. Tera. 11. 2760; BK. No. 1835; JG. p. 280 ;
This is doubtful. Perhaps this is a copy PAPR. 8 (19); Pet. V. A. p. 170
of the author's Candraprabhāvyākaraņa
(s. v.) ( quotation ); PRA, No. 1124.
à aggraat BO. p. 30; Mud. 209 ; 224. Arata JG. p. 81. Haftalâ by Gunacandra. Pet. III. No. 494. H umiąg of Kalyāņa kārti. KO. agafar Bengal. No. 1541.
(I) जेनेन्द्रयज्ञविधि is a work on the worship of the fagferhifaert in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 98.
Jinas, cast in the form of the ceremonial
Prayogas of the Brāhmaṇas, composed #Heizst Bengal. No. 7060.
by Srutasāgara, pupil of Vidyānandin, H a Bengal. No. 6713, See Yuktiprakäsa.
successor of Devendrakirti; cf. Bhand. #anta See Meghadūta ( II ).
IV. p. 117. Bhand. IV. No. 293. J.......19
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