मन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
the Guru of Siddhasena who composed
1915, and in the Sanātana Jaina Granhis Pravacanasāroddhāravrtti in Sam.
thāvali, Calcutta, 1921. CMB. 53, CP. 1242 ; cf. Vel. No. 1460.
p. 648 ; Idar. 84 ; SG. No. 1643. (II) ata u Agra. No. 807; DB. 22 (II) afatarea of Samantabhadra. JG. p. 90. (110); JG. pp. 111 ; 179. Perhaps the
Also see Jaina Hitaisī, Vol. 14, p. 312. same as above.
(III) aparien by Rāmasena. See above TatTTaQist otherwise called Nijatīrthikakalpitakuma
tvānusāsana (I). AD. No. 181 ; Mud. tinirāsa, is also a refutation of the Añca
95; 386 ; 575. lika and the Purnimā Gaccha doctrines by amalg Limdi. No. 655. Haribhadra (Gram. 5040). Bt. No. arau
arala composed in Sam. 1845, by Jyotirvi161.
jaya, Pupil of Padmavijayagani. DB. 21 TataTETICAT of Balacandra. Mud. 25; 205 ; !
(53; 54); JG. p. 111. See Tattvārthasūtra (16).
atarająiraat by Śrutasāgara. Bhand. IV. A. p. arafafant of Vardhamāna Kavi. JG. p. 90.
117 ; Pet. IV. Index, p. CXXIII and (I) तत्त्वविचारप्रकरण by Vasunandin. It contains
Winternitz, History, II. p 592. This is 95 Gāthās borrowed from older works
not an independent work, but only a mostly : cf. Anekānta, I. p. 274. CP.
commentary (No. 15 ) on the Tattvārp. 647; SG. No. 1378.
thasūtra. (1) gala T T by Srutasādhu. JG. p. asalfarsiratet
apareifaTutar Lal. 162; Tera. 27. 133.
atariatu TOT JG. p. 133 ( foll. 12 only); SG. araraan by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavi
Nos. 1773 ; 2381. jaya of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 108.
ataria rege of Prabacandra, pupil of Padmanar(I) 96 Anon. Agra. No. 808.
din Saiddhāntika. It is a brief commen(II) arahide of Naganandin. See, Paradharma
tary on the Sarvärthasiddhi of Pujyakala.
pāda, on the Tattvārthasūtra; cf. AnekāTaart by Devasena. It contains 74 Gathās and
nta, I. p. 197 is published in the MDG. Series, No. 13, afarten (Gram. 724 ) by Amrtacandrasuri. It Bombay, Sam. 1975. CP. p. 648;
contains 618 Sanskrit Slokas, divided Hamsa. No. 435 ; JG. p. 89; Lal. 100.
into 9 chapters, which discuss the seven (1) Tīkā by Sakalakirti. JG. p. 89.
Padārthas of the Jainas. It is published (2) Dipikā (Gram. 600) by Bāla
by Pannalal Vamsidhara in the Sanātana candra. JG. p. 89.
Jaina Granthamālā No. 1,Bombay, 1905. avalu aalt DB. 35 ( 199 ; 200).
AD. No. 141; Bhand. V. No. 1067 YI) atalg TTET consisting of 259 Sanskrit verses,
(dated Sam. 1584); Bt. No. 617; CP. composed by Rāmasena, pupil of Naga
p. 648 ; DB. 22 (109) ; DLB. 25; JG. sena, and of Vijayadeva, Mahendradeva
p. 90; Kath. Nos. 1074; 1075; Pet. Punyamurti and Viracandra. In the
III. No. 502 ; V. No. 940. MDG. edition, it is ascribed to Nāga- aparefarreta (Gram. 1800) by Sakalakirti, sena through a mistake ; cf. Jaina Hitaisī,
successor of Padmanandin. It is a work Vol.14,p. 313. Stanzas from this work are
in 12 chapters on the principles of Jain quoted by Aśādhara in his commentary
philosophy. For a summary of contents, on the Istopadesa. It is published in
cf. Bhand. IV. p. 106 ff. The work MDG. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam.
is not a commentary on the TattvārthaJ... 20
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