अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः ।
Idar. 43 (16 copies); 44; 45 (3 copies); JA. 87 (1); Jesal. Nos. 574; 1024, JG. p. 72, JHA. 34; Kath. Nos. 1076; 1077; 1078; 1079; 1080; Kiel. III. No. 7; Lal. 162; Limdi. No. 1387, Mitra. VIII. p. 187; X. pp. 97; 98; Mud. 25; 205; PAP. 25 ( 27 ) ; 45 ( 20 ); 68 ( 11, 12 );PAPR. 20 (1); PAPS. 54 (2); 58 (1); 60 (17); Pet. III. Nos. 499, 500; IV. Nos. 1424, 1425, V. Nos. 219; 220; 925; 936; VI. No. 690; SA. Nos. 269; 1770; 1827; 2737; SG. Nos. 673; 1316; Tera. 33-38, 173, VB. 15 (12); VC. 7 (6); VD. 6 (8); Vel. Nos 1611;
(1) Svopajňa Bhāṣya (Gram. 2142). The Digambaras do not admit that this Bhagya is by the author of the Sütra, whom they call Umasvamin and not Umasvati. It contains views that are opposed to those of the Digambaras. Agra. No. 802; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1162-1163; BO. p. 32; Buh. VI. No. 606; DB. 15 (3; 4); JA. 87 (1; a good copy dated Sam. 1445); Jesal. Nos. 574; 1024; Limdi. No. 944, PAP. 68 (11), PAPS. 60 (17), SA. Nos 269; 1770, Samb. No. 409, Strass p 302; VB. 15 (12); VD. 6 (8).
(2) Vrtti called Gandhahastibhasya (Gram. 84000) by Vadigajagandhabastin Siddhasena Divakara. JG. p. 88; Kiel. III. No. 7; cf. Anekänta, I. pp.
(3) Tiki by Siddhasenagani, papil of Bhāsvāmin, pupil of Simhasura etc. Among others, he quotes Siddhiviniscaya and Srstiparika; cf. ABORI. vol. XIII.
335. Buh. VI. No. 595; DB. 15 p. (1;2), JA. 87 (1, dated Sam. 1445); JHA. 34, Kath. No. 1267, Limdi. No. 601; Mitra. X. p. 97; Pet. III. A. p. 83 (quotation), V. No. 703; PAPS. 54
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(2), 58(1), SA. Nos. 841; 1682; VC. 7 (6); Vel. No. 1612.
(4) Laghuvṛtti begun by Haribhadra and completed by Yasobhadra, his pupil (Gram. 11000). This is quoted by Siddhasena, commentator of Pravacanasaroddhāra (DLP. ed. p. 337) and is called the Mula Tikā; cf. Anekanta, I. p. 581. Bhand. VI. No. 1161; BK. No. 132; Buh. VIII. No. 369; Chani. No. 915, PAPR. 20(1), PRA. No. 1094, SA. No. 1578; Surat. 1, 5.
(5) Tika by Nagara Vacaka (Grain. 2490) PAP. 68 (11). This is the same as the Svopajña Bhasya. Umäsvati was called Vacaka or Nagara Vacaka.
(6) Tiks by Malayagiri. This is alluded to by himself in his commentary on the Prajnapanãsätra (A. S. ed. p. 298); cf. Anekanta, I. p. 582
(7) Tika by Yodovijaya Upadhyaya. It is incomplete, ef. Anekänta, I. p.
(8) Gandhahastimababhasya of Samantabhadra (Graz. 84000). JG. p. 88. This appears to be a mistake. Samantabhadra's Bhasya on the Karma and Kaşaya Präbbrtas seems to have been mistaken for this; cf. JH. Vol. 14, pp. 109-117. But Laghusamantabhadra in his commentary on Astashastri mentions clearly that Samantabhadra composed the Gandhahastimahabhasya on Umäsväti's Tattvärthasutra ; ef. Anekanta, L. p. 291. Even Hastimalla in his Vikrantakaurava Nataka similarly ascribes it to Samantabhadra. Also cf. J. R. Mukhtar, Samantabhadra, p. 220.
(9) Sarvärthasiddhi (Grm. 6000) by Pujyapada alias Devanandin; AD. No. 23; Bengal. No. 1502, BK. No. 547; Bub. VI. No. 596; CMB. 5; 34; 92, 145; 177, CP. p. 706; DLB. 17; 36, Idar.
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