प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
gwreel fat also called Guruguņamälä, compos
(this ms. is dated Sam. 1683. It was ed by Ratnasekharasuri, pupil of Vajra
copied from another, at Patan. This latter senasūri and Hematilakasūri of the Naga
was copied in great haste in Sam. 1606, by puriya Tapa Gaccha. This small poem in
Vimalasägara, Jñānvimala, Vinayasagara Prakrta describes 36 of the qualities of
and Vivekavimala Gaņis. The cause of the a Guru in each of its 36 stanzas. It is
haste is given in the Prasasti as follows:published with a Gujrati explanation but
When Dharmasagaragani composed his without the Sanskrit commentary, by
Tattvatarangiņi at Nāradapuri, the KhaJAS. Bhavnagar, ( Series No. 37), Sam.
rataras began to quarrel saying that they 1974. Agra. Nos. 1931 ; 1932; Bengal.
had been covertly criticised in the work. No. 2613; BK. No. 125; Buh. VIII. No.
Dharmasāgara thereupon sent Vinaya377; DA. 48 (9); 60 ( 132–134); DB.
sāgara to Patan to find out the old palm35 ( 116 ; 117 ); Hamsa. No. 1114 ;
leaf manuscript of Gurutattvapradipa, JB. 143 ; Jesal. Nos. 364; 986 ; JG. pp.
which, he was sure, would support his 140; 197 ; Kath. No. 1330; Kundi.
point of contention. Vinayasāgara went Nos. 10; 16; 25; Mitra. X. p. 202 ;
to Patan and did find the ms, at the PAP. 9 (9; 10 ); 76 ( 68 ); Pet. III.
house of Sadayavatsa Thakura. The No. 590; V. Nos. 641 ; 677 ; 678 ; SA.
Brhatcchalika Laingikas, when they knew No. 369 ; Samb. No. 16; Surat. 1, 11;
this, demanded the book immediately, VC. 4 (32)
saying that it belonged to them. Vina(1) Țikā Svopajña (Gram. 1297).
yasāgara then, with the help of his friBengal. No. 2613; BK. No. 125 ; DA.
ends very hastily copied it and returned 48 (9; dated Sam. 1480); 60 (132
the manuscript to them. Afterwards 134); DB. 35 ( 116; 117 ); Hamsa.
the substance of this work was added in No. 1114; JB. 143 ; Jesal. Nos. 364;
a separate chapter to his Tattvatarangimi 986, JG. pp. 140; 197; Kath. No. 1330;
by Dharmasagaragani. The author of Kundi. Nos. 10; 16; 25; Mitra. X. p.
the Prasasti is Vivekavimalagani); SG. 202 ; PAP. 9 (9; 10); 76 (68); Pet. III.
No. 1642 (foll. 84). No. 590; SA. No. 369; Surat. 1, 11; Jaragelight of Dharmasāgara. This is another VC. 4 (32).
name of Sodaśasloki with its Vivaraña (2) Avacūri. Buh. VIIL No. 377.
probably because it is based on GurutatJEEx of Somacandra. JG. p. 143.
tvapradipa. PRA. No. 935. Tetrafa ore of Yasovijaya. See Gurutattvavinir Thararàrquia of Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayanaya.
vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. Publishgarrafart of Haribhadra (?). Agra. No. 797 ;
ed by the JAS., Bhavanagar, Series No. DB. 16 ( 37, 40); Kath. No. 1331 ;
73, Sam. 1981. AM. 15; Baroda. No. Probably the same as Gurutattva
2782; Chani. No. 169 ; DB. 16 (37; vinirnaya.
40); PAPR. 12 (12); SB. 2 ( 42 ); (1) Tīkā by Yasovijaya. DB. 16
Surat. 1, 7, 11; VB. 10 ( 41; 56 ). (37; 40); Kath. No. 1331 ; SA. No.
(1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 6871). 287.
JG. p. 103 ; Surat. 1 (287), 7, 11; VB. Taratata This is another name of the Utsūtrakan
10 ( 41 ; 56). dakuddāla. Agra. No. 798; DA. 32 15 calafazu See Gurutattvavinirnaya. (23); Hamsa. No. 1386 ; PRA. No. 555 | 16a7aa271 (Gram. 448). JG. p. 177.
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