(2) Vivaraņa by Vinayavijaya. BK. (I) y a ng in Sanskrit (Gram. 3339). PAP. Nos. 1559; 1571.
42 ( 42; dated Sam. 1580 ), 62 ( 26 ); raturaFITOTERIRII Limdi. No. 1690.
PAPR. 15 ( 37 ). (I) 799gisuga by Somakirti Bhattāraka. (II) 749afts by Mohanavijaya, pupil of RupaList. (S. J.)
vijaya. Flo. No: 706 ; PRA. No. 1320. (II) raggiunga by Dharmabhūsaņa Bhattā- 799 is the 7th Upānga of the Jain canon. raka. List (S. J.)
In its present form it is wholly identical arraugie by Brahma Sruta sāgara. Buh. VI.
with the Suryaprajñaptisūtra. W. SchNo. 581.
ubring, Lehre Der Jainas, p. 71, thinks Haagigst Pet. IV. No. 1416.
that it is possible to assume that the last qararta by Subhacandra, pupil of Vijayakirti.
11 chapters of this Sūtra, where the moon This work is mentioned by the author in
and the stars occupy a prominent place, · his Prasasti to Pandavapurāņa: cf. Pet.
formed the orginal Candraprajñaptisütra. IV. A. p. 158. Bhand. V. No. 1101 ;
Agra. Nos. 188, 189; AM. 318 (b), Buh. VI. No. 580 ; SG. No. 2403.
Baroda. No. 6081 ; Bhand. III. No. 429; चन्द्रकीर्तिव्याकरण See Sarasvatavyakarana.
Bik. No. 1587; Buh. II. No. 189; DA. rata pe by Candrakirti. See Sārasvatavyākara
13 (10; 11 ); DB. 6 ( 4 ); DC. pp. 23; natikā by Candrakīrti. VB. 7 (5);
31, JA. 33 (1); JB. 46, 47, Jesal. 11 (5).
Nos. 83; 192 ; 563; 1187 ; Hamsa. No. (1)
1108: JHA. 17 ( 2c.); Kundi. Nos. K i ta (Grari. 3296 ) composed in
106; 335; Limdi. Nog. 248 ; 249 ; Sam. 895 by Siddharşi, who however,
Mitra. VIII. pp. 113; 114, PAP. 79 bases his work on another older Prākrta
( 34 ); PAPL. 4 (27 ; 28 ); PAPS. work. It is in Sanskrit. PAPS. 34 (7);
23 (7); 24 (14); PAS. Nos. 75; PRA. No. 359.
317; 362; PAZA. 3 (11-13); 14 (8; (II) Hargit Anon. Agra. Nos. 1424-1426;
13; 14); PAZB. 4 ( 5 ); 14 ( 14 ); KB. 2 (9).
Pet. III. A. p. 154 ; V. No. 688; SA. aragalau by Jambu Kavi (Jambūnäga-Hamsa
No. 200, Samb. Nos. 48 ; 83; SB. 1 and Kundi). It consists of 23 Sanskrit
(44); Surat. 1, 5, 6, 8; Vel. No. 1457 ; stanzas only. Baroda. No. 2788; BK.
Weber. II. Nos. 1849-1853. No. 1767 ; "Hamsa. No. 9; Kundi. Nos. 18 ; 38 ; Pet. III. A. p. 292 (quotation).
(1) Tīkā by Malayagiri (Gram. (1) Avacūri. BK. No. 1767 ; Hamsa.
9500). Agra. No. 190; AM. 318(b);
· Baroda. No. 6081, Buh. IV. No. 147; No. 9.
DA. 13 ( 8; 9); DB. 6 (1; 2); DC. p. चन्द्रधवलधर्मदत्तकथा in Sanskrit composed by Mani
23 , JA. 33 ( 2 ); JB. 46, 47; Jesal. kyasundara, pupil of Merutungasuri of
Nos. 192; 563; 1187; Hamsa. Nos. the Añcala Gaccha, in Sam. 1484. Agra.
612 ; 1235; JHA. 17; Kundi. Nos. No. 1639 ; Chani. No. 1044; Pet. I.
106; 335; Limdi. No. 249, Mitra. VIII. No. 262. See Dharmadattakathā.
p. 114 ; PAPL. 4 ( 27 ); PAPS. 23 (7); (1) 752191 (Kanarese) by Dodayya. AK
24 ( 14 ); PAS. Nos. 75 (dated Sam. No. 219. See Candraprabhacaritra XI.
1483 written at the advice of Soma(II) aragaria by Subhacandra. See Candra
sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha; cf. Patan prabhacaritra XIV.
Cat. I pp. 238-39); 317 ; Patan Cat. I.
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