अन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
खण्डप्रशास्तकाव्य Non-Jain.
GTATATATATE ( Gram. 1500) of Abbayadevasuri (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1641 by
in Prakrta. PAPS. 81 (122). Guņavinayagani, pupil of Jayasoma ET ( Gadya ). DA. 49 ( 68 ); JG. p. 251. Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. खाद्यखण्ड Anon. Bhand. III. No. 620; VI. No. 382 (dated
(1) Tippana by Paramānanda. Harisa. Sari. 1644); Bub. VI. No. 124 ; CC. I.
No. 1380, see Khandanamandana. p. 136; JG. p. 334; Pet. VI. No. 331 ;
halet in 1397 Gathās by Māhūyä. JG. p. 354. PRA. No. 815; SA. No. 308; Surat. 1,
See however, under Náthapustikā. 6,9; VA. 6 (9), Vel. No. 1182. (2) Vrtti composed in
Tayie 1 DB. 31 ( 116 ); JG. p 251.
Sam. 1501 by Dharmasekharasuri. Limdi. No. 794.
1997*2017* Kath. No. 1329 (dated Sam. 1682). ( 3 ) Vrtti. Anon. JG. p. 334. VA. | 75913T composed by Ganga Budha of the Mula 18 (7).
Sargha. DA. 67 (37; 38; 39 ); VA. ETTISTA in 40 Gäthäs. See Paramāņukhan
10 (77). daşattrimsikā. Bhand. VI. No. 1139;
TEGATARIT JG. p. 155. Bt. No. 67 ; Hamsa. No. 530; KB. 3
(1) Tikā (Grarn. 4000) by Jñana(3); Limdi. No. 953; SA. No. 1946 ;
muni. VA. 10 (77). VC. 4 ( 25 ).
JEITTf in 138 Gātbās. It is one of the ten (1) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasüri. Bhand.
principal Prakirņakas and is published by VI. No. 1139; Bt. No. 67, KB. 3 (3).
the Agamodaya Samiti (Series No. 36 ), agar 0 DB. 31 (43).
Bombay, 1927 together with the com
mentary of Vijayavimala, alias Vanararsi. Tarte gaiara Hamsa. No. 1781 ; Surat. 1
Agra. Nos. 452-455 ; AM. 33 ; Baroda. ( 747 ); 4; Vel. Nos. 1710; 1711 ;
No. 2781; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1068 ; Weber. II. No. 1989.
1140 ; 1141; BK. No. 358; BO. p. (I) aatteetrare in 40 Gathās by Jinacandra.
58; Buh. VI. No. 835; Cal. X. No. 97; A collection of the Kharatara Gaccha
DA. 27 ( 36; 37; 40; 94-99); 74 (20); Pattavalis is published by Jinavijaya,
DB. 13. (58-62); Hamsa. Nos. 19, Calcutta, 1932. DC. p. 17 (dated Sam.
1620 ; JHA. 18 ; JHB. 21 (2c.); Kath. 1171 ).
No. 1255; KB. 1 ( 40); Limdi. Nos. (II) E l taf composed in Sam. 1830 by
206; 525; 930; PAP. 24 (38); PAPL. Kşamäkalyāna, pupil of Amrtadharma of
8 (18); PAPR. 1 (7); PAPS. 55 (9); the Kharatara Gaccha.
80 (63); Pet. IV. Nos. 1233 ; 1234 ; (III) ATATTE giafo Anon. Agra. Nos. 1366
PRA. No. 913; SA. Nos. 800; 1573; 1371. Chani. No. 474 ; PRA. No. 1164.
1695; 9531; 2690; 2849; Strass. p.
419; VB. 10 ( 42 ); VC 4 ( 27 ; 28 ); ETTES Era Limdi. No. 1288.
Vel. No. 1841 ; Weber. II. No. 1871 eattestegia TIT DA. 76 (17).
(7). atacaraf by Laksmisāgaragani. Chani. No. 751.
(1) Vrtti composed in Sarn. 1634 by erraTaTaga Anon. JHB. 61.
Vijayavimalagaņi, (known also as Vānarawracanegai SA. Nos. 1712; 2048.
rsi ; cf. Vel. No. 1655 ), pupil of Ana
ndavimala of the Tapā Gaocha (Gram. etachaquga DB. 20 ( 56 ).
5850). AM. 33; Baroda. No. 2781; TATHAFETOT JG. p. 159.
Bhand. V. No. 1183; VI. No. 1140 ;
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