stratarea atat: 1
(XIV) #f areer (frafitaih ) This ver
Pustakoddhära Fund, Series, Surat, 1939. sion contains 65 Sanskrit stanzas. It is
Besides the two mss. mentioned by published at the end of the Kalpasutra in
Brown, p. 34, the following may be the DLP. Series, No. 18, Bombay, 1914.
recorded :-Baroda. No. 2994; Bik. No. It is also edited from 11 mss. by Brown,
1488; BK. No. 1242; Cal. X. No. 57; Story of Kālaka, p. 98 ff. See also Buh.
Chani. No. 913; Kaira. B. 112; PAPS. II. No. 337. In addition to these 12, I
48 (93); PRA. Nos. 202; 476. may mention only one more ms., namely,
The following versions, the accuracy Limdi. No. 153. See also Patan Cat. I. p.
of information regarding which cannot 411 No. 3-2.
be guarranteed, are not used by Prof. (XV) FILETE1OT (agfsofiagrat) This ver
Brown in his Story of Kālaka :sion is in 120 Prākrta Gāthās. Edited
F r eno in 107 Prakrta Gathās from nine mss. in his Story of Kalaka,
composed in Sam. 1566, by Devakallolap. 71 ff. In addition to these 9 mss., the
sūri of the Upakeśa Gaccha. JG. p. 249. following Limdi. mss. also seem to contain this version:--Limdi. Nos. 679; 680;
It is a manuscript from the Jain Sālā 930; cf. also AM. 397 ; Pet. I. A. p. 17;
Bhandar, Cambay. III. A. p. 225.
(XX) 1691er by Māņikyasuri. PRA. No.
744 (dated Sari. 1646 ). (XVI) Fre e (Cursoft si facu) This
|(XXI) F11 2116 by Jinalābhasuri. KN. 19. version is in 105 Prākrta stanzas and was probably composed by Dharms kirti (after
( XXII) Fila in Sanskrit by Kirtiwards Dharmaghoșasūri), pupil of Vidyā.
candra. JG. p. 249 ; Pet. I. No. 251. nanda and Devendra Sūris of the Tapā (XXIII) F C Fert in Sanskrit by a pupil of Gaccha. A single ms. of this version is so
Vardbamānasüri. Bhand. IIL No. 423 far known and it is JA. 5 (2). Compare,
( foll. 15). Brown, p. 33 (No. 15). The information (XXIV ) 113 11het by Kulamaņdana. VD. which I have given above and which is not
4 ( 17 ). given by Brown was obtained by me from
| (XXV) #1 en by Jinacandrasuri. KN. a Prasasti copied out from this ms., for
17. Dr. T. L. Shah, of Baroda, where the following line occurs:-- Vidyānandarisiņam
F erie in 119 Prakrta Gâthās yo Devindo ( ya ) Dhammakittidbaro.
by Jayānandasuri. Limdi. No. 124; (XVII) Ferra (3raflaag zoragit)
cf. JG. p. 249. This version is from Bhadreśvara's Kathā
A 1 69 by Rāmacandrasuri. vali. It is in Prākrta and is written in
Limdi. No. 98 (dlated San. 1517). mixed verse and prose. This is published
(XXVIII) F leder in Sanskrit prose. Pet. with an analysis by Brown at Story of
IV. No. 1228. Kālaka, pp. 102-107.
(XXIX) #f l ict called Alpātisayaprati(XVIII) 10 luku (90F sys) This
pādanaslokavyākhyā. JA. 106 (16; prose version in Sanskrit was composed
Graṁ. 370); JG, p. 249. by Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra (XXX) Fleet of Kamalasariyama (ms, of the Kharatara Gaccha in Sam. 1666.
dated Sam. 1567). JHA. 30. It is published along with the Kalpa- (XXXI) FI1913FT of Lakşmivallabha. JHB sutra-Kalpalată in the Jinadattasuri
31 ; 35; 54.
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