(1) # casar (rafat) of Devasena, son
of Sakalacandra of the Tapā Gaccha. . of Vāgbhata, ininister of Malwa. It is
BK. No. 270 ; PRA. No. 280. published in the Bibliothecu Indica Series.
(1) Tīkā Svopajña. BK. No. 270; Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 48.
PRA. No. 280. (II) car (ar ) of Amaracandra. (I) Water treating of Sanskrit roots in 298 See Kávya-kalpalata.
stanzas, by Ravidharma. DB. 38 ( 24 ); #lateptam in 116 stanzas by Samantabhadra.
JG. p. 329. CP. p. 633 ; see Siddhapriyastotra. It is
(1) Svopajña Vrtti. DB. 38 (24); also called Jivasataka and Smrtividyā.
JG. p. 329. Also see Kaviguhyakāvya. Fraggo A work in Prakrta on Präkrta metres in (II) # tety Anonymous. (Gram. 400 ). Very five chapters. It is alluded to in Jinapra
probably the same as above. For other bha's commentary on Ajitaśāntistava
Kavirahasyas compare CC. II. p. 19. VA. (in Sam. 1365). The author quotes a stan
5(8); VB. 10 ( 33 ). za from Hemacandra's Chandonusāsana,
(1) Vrtti. VB. 10 ( 33 ). and mentions Kumārapāla in the illustra- (I) laister of Jayamangalācārya ( Gram. 300 ). tions of Ghatta and Kadava. He also
JA. 5 (4); Pet. I. A. p. 78. quotes Prākrta verses from Jinasimhasuri,
(II) Farstant of Vinayacandra, pupil of (?) Süraprabhasuri and Tilakasūri. I have
Bappabhatta ; cf. Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. edited the work along with its Vrtti
47. Bt. No. 498; JG. p. 315; PAS. from the single manuscript, namely, Kiel.
No. 296 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 47-50 (quo.). IL No. 15, in the Annals, BORI., 1935.
(III) faster of Amaracandra. See KavyaThe author's name is not known.
kalpalata. (1) Vrtti. Anon. Kiel. II. No. 15.
+91991Ta in about 236 Gāthas composed by In this commentary three writers on
a Digambara writer called Gunadhara Sanskrit metres i e. Sura, Pingala and
Acārya. Trilocanadāsa and two writers on Prakrta meters i. e. Svayambhū and Manoratba,
(1) Cūrņavrtti (Gram. 6000) by as also the Chandahkandali, a work on
Yativrsabha, who studied under NagaPrakrta metre, are mentioned and
hastin and Aryamariksu, both pupils of quoted. The commentary also quotes
Gunadhara Acārya. a verse from Padaliptasuri.
(2) Uccāraṇavrtti by an unknown
author (Gran. 12000). E picu is a commentary on Vopadeva's Kavirahasya, by Ravidharma. JG. p. 329;
(3) Vrtti by Sāmakunda Acārya Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 54. ,
(Gram. 6000).
(4) Cadāmaņi Vyakhya by Tumbu(1) Svopajña Vrtti. JG. p. 329 ; this is perhaps a mistake. According to
lūrācārya. CC. I. p. 87 Kaviguhya is only another
(5) Prakrta Tika (Gran. 60000) by name of Kavirahasya.
Bappadeva Guru. iPagriEiTh JG. p. 315. This is probably
(6) Jayadhavala composed in Saka
759, by Virasena and Jinasena II (Gram. the same as kavimada parihära.
60000 ). It is in mixed Sanskrit, TAURETT composed, during the spiritual reign
Prākrta and Kannada. See J. H. Vol. of Hiravijayasuri, by Sānticandra, pupil
12. p. 382.
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