श्री जिनरत्नकोशः ।
उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र कथासंक्षेप Anon. Buh. II. No. 163, Kath. No. 1321; VA. 3 (16). उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रकथासंग्रह by Munisundaraśisya (Su bhasila?). DA. 21 (7-9; one of these dated Sam. 1560).
उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रदृष्टान्त Vel No. 1417. उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रलघुवृत्तिगतकथा PAP. 29 (9 ; dated Sam. 1541).
उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रवृत्तिप्राकृतकथा in Sari. 1641. KB. 3 (7).
उत्तराध्ययन सूत्रवृत्ति संस्कृतकथा KB 5 ( 29 ). उत्तर/ध्ययनसूत्रार्थकथा See Uttarādhyanasutrakatha. 3 on Jain Philosophy, composed in Sam. 1207, by Candrasena, pupil of the famous Hemacandra, author of the Siddhahema etc., and of Pradyumnasuri. Agra. No. 1122; JA. 111 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 209 (quotation).
(1) Svopajña Tikā. Agra. No. 1122. JA. 111 (2); Pet. III. A. p. 209 (quotation). उत्सर्गापवादवचनैकान्तोपनिषत् DB 17 ( 16 ; 28 );
Hamsa. No. 514. उत्सवप्रणालिका Buh. VIII. No. 423. उत्साद्दकुलक JG. p. 197. उत्सूत्रकन्दकुद्दाल Otherwise called Gurutatvapradipa or Gurutattvasiddhi. See under Gurutatvapradipa, and Gurutattvasiddhi for additional mss. Buh. VIII. No. 378, Chani. No. 133; CP. p. 637; DA. 32 (23); DB. 16 (38; 39); Kiel. III. No. 141; PAPR. 15 (33); PAZB. 3 (9); PRA. No. 555; SA. No. 335; SG. No. 1642.
(1) Tikā. Chani. No. 153.
उत्सूत्रखण्डन An attack against some religious practices and doctrines of the followers of the Kharatara Gaccha composed in Sam. 1617, by Dharmasagaragani, pupil of Vijayadanasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. The work is known otherwise as Austrikama
Jain Education International
is Gunavinaya's work and not of Dharm a sagara-PRA. No. 868); Chani, Nos. 182; 714; DA. 36 (49); DB. 20 (36-37); PAPR. 3 (5); PAPS. 80 (72); PRA. No. 366; SA. No. 680, SB. 2 (93).
(I) Dipika Svopajñā. Bhand. VI. No. 1117; Chani. Nos. 182; 714; DA. 36 (49); DB. 20 (36-37); PAPR. 3 (5); PAPS. 80 (72); PRA. No 366; SB. 2 (93).
उत्सूत्रपदोद्घाटनकुलक by Jinapati. Hamsa. No. 135,
Surat. 1 (52, 679).
A reply to Dharmasagara's attack by Gunavinaya, pupil of Jayasoma Upādhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha. It was composed in Sam. 1665 at Navanagar, at the advice of Jinasimhasuri. BK. No. 1794; Buh. IV. No. 136 (PRA. No. 868); DC. p. 58 (DI. p. 29); Hamsa. No. 863.
उदयत्रिभङ्गी of Nemicandra. See Tribhangisara. Mud. 112; Tera. 14.
if on answering astrological questions, by Meghavijayagani, pupil of Krpavijayagani of the Tapa Gaccha.
Agra. No. 3002; Bhand. V. No. 1340; Surat. 1 (1225).
a DB. 31 (41-42). AK. Nos. 101-105. Limdi. No. 1280.
Agra. No. 1608; JG. p. 248. उदायन राजचरित्र in Sanskrit verse. JG. p. 221. उद्गारजलवर्णन also called Kupajalajñāna by Ca mundaraya. AK. No. 106.
Bhand. V. No. 1172.
(1) Tika by Kanakakusala. Bhand. No. 1172.
KB. 3 ( 62 ). JB. 131 (foll. 155).
totsūtrodghatana. Bhand. VI. No. 1117,qt by Asada, son of Katukaraja of the Bik. No. 1730; Buh. IV. No. 136 (This Bhillamala family. It contains 125
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