MAY, 1905.]
that in the Tibetan translation both these names are rendered by yahi bdag, = owners of the ground, a lower class of Tibetan gods. With the introduction of a new religion (Buddhism in this case), the gods of the previous religion experience a certain degradation. All the places mentioned in this song are settlements of the Dards, extending from Gilgit through Baltistan into Ladakh. The first colony which they founded was Sanid according to v. 18.
No. VII. - The Mummo, a Benefactor. Text.
Translation. 1. Sú tren hlátren mummo
1. All men assemble, the gods assemble,
O uncle ! 3. Hãng đấng tốtố hạng lỗ mũmmẽ . 2. Yes, then, yes, 0 uncle ! 3. Kárcol phóg pheág tágs
3. They arrange butter offerings, cedar offer.
ings, and flour offerings; 4. Hláyuldu herasúshig
4. Bring the offerings] to the land of the gods! 5. Hayón mashronla kyin
5. We will go to worship (them] ! 6. Thsásbū korkórla búrdum lándrang báng 6. In the beds of the garden there are fox-tail lo
flowers and landrang flowers; 7. Pushrõ zurkyan padmã háng lỗ númmô 7. There are surkyan padma flowers,
O uncle ! 8. Búrdum lándrang dógleágshan mummo 8. O uncle, who art clever in dyeing the
fox-tail and landrang flowers, 9. Arag sílmā kyíl leágshan mummo
9. O uncle, who art clever in storing up clear
brandy, 10. Arag tirig píd leágshan mummo
10. O uncle, who art clever in quickly drink
ing the brandy, 11. Ghanazhúlli gin leágshan mummo 11. O uncle, who art clever in seizing the
curdled milk sauce; 12. Chúkbolag chángsbū drál leágshan mummo 12. O uncle, who art clerer in distributing
handfuls of dumplings, 13. Tárunē náchung sdér leágshan mummo 13. O uncle, who art clever in blessing youths
and girls, 14. Thróm nang chénmā drál leágshan múmmá 14. O uncle, who art clever in making arrange
ments on the dancing-place, 15. Khuấ khuấ tốtô khun nu mummỡ. 15. Eat then, eat, 0 uncle !
Notes. In this song it looks really as if this uncle of the past, the múmmo, had almost become an object of worship. This song may represent a first step towards ancestor-worship. In the Tibetan translation there is a mistake with regard to v. 5. This was translated by .We shall all go there!' as if the Dards hoped to go to heaven. No such thought is expressed in the song.
NO. VIII. - The Beautiful Girls of Da. Text.
Translation. 1. Cabcáb totó utheá lo mummo
Rise, then, quickly, O unele 2. Asi ghóbong Idémba lo mummo
Our bodies are well-shaped, O uncle ! 3. Asi shrálo rgyál loang lo mummo
3. Our hair is (like) & 'king's willow,' O uncle, 4. Zhágkor hálkā drúmdrum lo mummo 4. (Our] pig-tails are shining and carly,
O uncle,