Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 324
________________ 294 INDEX -. .. 52 ardhamásha, a coin ... ... ... ... 52 *** Avadanas, a section or class of Buddhist liter... ature .. ... .. .. .. ardhapana, a coin . 152 Armaiti. Vedic Aramati ... 12, 14 n., 16, 63 n. Avalokitesvara of the Northern Buddhists ... 185 Arrian, historian, and Alexander in the Pañjab. Avanti, co., Cent. India... ... ... 230 n. 253,255 ff. Avantisundari, wife of Rajasekhara ... ... 178 Arsacidæ, a people ... ... ... ... 76 Avaraoshtra ... ... ... ... 15 n. artha, wealth .. . ... 3 Avars, the Jaun Jaun tribe ... ... ... 80 Arthasástra, Kautaliya Arthasástra, q. v., 5 fr. Avatar, incarnation of Vishậu or other deity. 273 47, 53, 116 Avesta, and Zarathushtra, 15; and athravan, Arulla Perumal temple, at Conjeeveram ... 264 1 61 and n.; and the Magians... ... 61, 62 Aryadbarma, the holy religion - Buddhism. 151 Avvaiyar, poetess, sister of Kapilar ... ... 262 Aryan lang. of Media and old Persian ... 65 Åy, Tamil chief and patron of letters ... 263 Aryans, religious conceptions of the, 11; ayas, metal, and the Vedas ... 230 and n. parent land of the 64, 65 Ayodhya, tn., Oudh ... ... ... ... 277 Aryas, country of the, 179; and S, India. 280 n. Azerbaijan, Atropatkan, Atropatene, q. v. 64, 65 Årgåvarta, country of the Aryas ... ... 179 'Azim, Sultan ... ... ... 291 2. Asechanaka ? ... .. .. 153 n. Asha, 8., 14, 16, 60 n., 62 ; cult ... ... 63 Ash&dha, month ... 89, 113 Baba Shah Gul ziárat, at Shalozan ... ... 269 A-si, kingdom of the Arsacidae ... ... 76 Babar, Mogul emperor ... ... ... ... 257 Asii, Scythian tribe ... ... 75 n. Babylonia, and the use of iron, 230; the Akoka's Padariya Inscription, by V. A. Smith. 1 ff. copper age ... ... ... .. ... 231 Afka's alleged mission to Pegu - Suvanna- Bactria and Chang K'ien, 43; and the Yue bhumi, by V. A. Smith ... ... 180 ff. chi, 44, 77, 80; and the Greeks, 75 and n., Asöks Notes (continued from Vol. XXXII. 76 ; and the Kushân empire... ... ... 78 p. 366), by V. A. Smith; Consular officers Badgate, Master, merchant of the Ruby ... 164 in India and Greece, 200 ff.; the meaning Badr-magam, Buddha Makan, shrine at of Sámamta, in Rock Edict II., 245; of Akyab ... ... ... ... ... .. 143 Chikichha in Rock Edict II., 246 ff.; the Badruddin, Shah Madár, q. v. ... ... 125 Keralaputra and Satiyaputra Kingdoms. 248 fr. Badru'ddin Aulia, 127; shrine at Chittaashtabhaga, a coin ... ... ... ... 52 gong .. ... .. ... .. 143, 144 ashtabhágya, and athabhágiyé, q. v. ... ... S Bada, in the Pañjab ... ... ... ... 271 ashtabhôga, technical term in land-grants ... 3,4 Bagzai, in Kurram, Sayyid shrines at .... ashtaibvarya, technical term in land-grants... 3,4 Bahadurgarh, fort in the Baghal State 227 Asmân Pari, sister of Miên Bbỉ . . 125 | Bah&walpur, tn. ... ... ... ... ... 254 asp, horse, frequent compound of words ... 17 Bâhirikas, & class ... ... ... .. 59 astynomoi, Maurya officers entrusted with Bahram Gur, Sassanian k. ... ... ... 80 the care of foreigners ... ... 200 f. Bahtis, as followers of Man Bibi Tan Bibi ... ... .. 126 'OTUVópos, astynomoi, q. v. ... ... ... 200 Bakrála Pass, in the Salt Range ... 253, 258 f. Åtash, Persian g. of fire ... Baktrin, and Shu-lê, 45; and Mazdaism ...64, 65 ahabhagiye, ashtabhagya, its probable deri BAIA-Hisar at Chårsadda, N.W. Frontier vation ... Prov. ... ... .. .. ... ...265 Aeo po, Atash, q.. . .. BAAditya, Indian chief... ... ... ... .. 81 Athravan, fire-priest ... ... .. ... 61 Baagh&t in Maisur ... ... 238 n. átivdhika, conveyance cess ... Balajt Avaji, Chitnis, introduced the Modi dtma sákshat kara ... ...122 s cript . ** ... . 28 Atropatene, Atropatkan, Azerbaijan, parent Balasore, tn. ... ... 288 f., 291 land of the Aryans ... 64 f. Balbôdh, source of the Modi script ... 28 ff. Attock, tn. . .. ... ... 257 Bali, isl. ... atyaya, a fine ... ... ... ... 50, 113 bali, a tax... ... . ... 47, 111, 115 f. Augustus' coins ... ... ... ... 77 n., 201 Bali ... ... ... 199 Aurangabad Bauddha caves, as possible Ball, Mr. V., and the Râmgarh Hill caves. 197 f. places of amusement... ... ... ... 198 Baltistan, Dard settlement ... ... ... 99 Aurataspa, father of Vishtaspa, also epithet Balu-mkhar, in W. Tibet, archwological of Apam-napat, q. v. ... ... ... ... 17 notes on, by A. H. Francke, 208 ff.; Aurung Shaw, Emp. ... ... ... ... 2881 inscrips., 205 ; finds ... ... ... 208 ff. 269 .. 57


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