Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 325
________________ INDEX. 295 271 43 254 93 Baldehistên, finds of copper implements, 231; Bivalkari, a script, introduced into Satars by arrowheads, 233, 238: silver bracelet ... 240 the Peshwas, still known in Mahårdehttra... 28 Balyamin, in Kurram, Sayyid shrines at ...289 f. | Black Forest, S. of the Himalayas ... ... 179 Bambhi, Brahmt writing ... ... .. ... .. 20 26 Blake, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey Blake, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey ... ... 165 Bån Gangå, riv. ... ... .. 2, 227 | Bóno-ná Festival, the eighteen songs of, by B&nbsura, demon ... ... 280 A. H. Francke, 93 ff.; vocabulary of words Bar, dist. in the Pañjab 259 f. used in ... ... .... ... ... 103 ff. Baramola Gorge, in Kashmir ... 77 n. Borneo, Sanskrit inscrips, in ... .. ... 184 Bardiya pseudo-Gautama, the Magian ... 66 Boukephala, tn, in the Paūjáb ... 258 1, Barbatekin, k. of Kabul Bowrey's (T.) M.8., and Wm. Jearsey. 163, 173 Bart Sirkár, Sikh family in Anandpur ... 272 Brahasta, Aryan k. ... ... ... ... 262 Barth, and the Cambodian inscrips. ... BrahmA, g. .. ... 88, 90, 120 ff. Basauli, in the Pañjab ... 271 Brahmacharin ... ... ... 151 Basgo, vil. in L. Ladakh 207 BrahmAchåryd vows ... .. ... 87, 89 Bashahr, Pañjab State ... brahmadéyika, Lunds free of revenue Basileas, Greek title on coins 77 Brahman, traditional inventor of Brahmf. 21, 26 Baudhấyana, the sutra of 179 brahmdnanda, beatitude ... ... 120, 122 Belur-tag, mts. ... ... ... ... Brâhmans, the privileges of ... ... 115, 117 Benares, c. ... ... 78, 120 Brahmatva, the non-bodily dtma ... 121 f. Bengall ... ... ... ... 288 Brahmavarta, in the Pañjab ... .. Bergaigne, and the Cambodian inscrips.... 184 brahmavidya, knowledge of Brahms the Beseos, leader under Alexander the Great ... 17 n. supreme spirit... ... ... ... 122 Bezwada, tn, in Krishna district ... ... 187 Brahmi writing, origin of ... ... 21--27 Bhadrinath, sacred place in the HimAlayas... 277 bricks, used instead of earth mounds 255 bhága, a tax ... ... 3, 47, 57, 111, 115 f. brick-rea found at Balu-mkhar ... ... 209 bhagabhôgakara, a form of land-grant ... 3 Brihaspati, & sage ... ... ... ... 88 Bhagavad, Buddha ... ... .. ... 159 Broach, tn. ... ... ... .. .. 195 Bhagavan, a Brahman, father of the Poet aBrogpa, a Dard tribe ... ... Kapilar... ... ... ... ... ... 262 Bronze age in India, 229 L.; iraplementa, Bhagirathi, riv. ... ... ... ... ... 88 prehistoric ... ... ... ... 240 11. Bhagotoro, in Karachi dist., copper finds 'a Brug-bkrashis, a priest, reciter at the Bốno at ... ... ... ... ... 232, 235 Bhagwanpur, tn. near Padariyê ... Brushal, Dard settlement ... ... ... 95 bhakta, payments to coolies ... ... ... 57 dBu-can character, in the Balu-mkhar and Bhaktisaru, Tirumalli Sai Alwar, q.u. ... 274 Endere inscrips. ... .... ... 207 Bhandarkar, Prof., and the probable date of dBu-med character, in the inscrips, near the Panini, 230 n.; and the meaning of Saspola Bridgó ... ... ... ... 267 samanta, 245; and the meaning of chikichha, Buckeridge, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey ... 166, 169 246 f.; and the Satiyaputra kingdom ... 250 Buddha, his birthplace, 1, 3, 4; 68 n.; name on Bharadvaja, gỗtra v. ....... ..... ..... 265 coins, 79; 92 ;127; and Matriceta's birth, Bharains, priests of Sakhi Sarwar ... 128 n. 145; dharmas ut, 146 f.; praises of, 148 ff., Bhatinda, ancient fort S. of Lahore ....... 259 154; 158; 185; his death, 196; temple Bhatnfr, ancient fort S. of Lahore ... ... 259 robbed ... .... .. .. . .. ... 285 bhogagrama, a grant of urban land ... ... 3, 4 Buddha-makan shrine at Akyab ... ... 143 Bhojadeva, k. of Kunauj ... ... ... 177 Buddhaghosa, traditional Hinayana evangeBholan Shah, brother of Mikó Bibi, 126 ff.: list of Burma ... ... ... ... 185 1. Kafts of ... ... ... ... ... 128 f. Buddhism, in Bhu-le, 43. 44: in China. 44 Bhadevi, Earth goddess... ... 281 n. ; in India, 74, in Kashmir, 77; under Bias, Hyphasis, riv. t. ... ... 254, 257 Kanishka, 79; in Gandhara, 84 ; under the Bijnor copper find ... ... ... ... 240 Mauryas, 181; in Burma ... ... 182 ff. Bikram Chand, Råjå of Kahlar ur. ... Buddhist shrine at Peshawar, 85; mission ... ... 227 Bilhari inscrip. ... ... ... ... 178 of Abôka to Burma, 180 ff.; masonry in the Peshawar dist. . R: .. ... & mand pahild hi rôn, Indian proverb. 135 n. 255 f. Bühler. Prof., on the interpretation of Bithor, tn, near Cawnpore, copper celts found samanta, 245; of chikichha, 246; and the at ... ... ... 232 and n., 234, 236 ff. Satiyaputra Kingdom .. ... .. 250 ná Festival ... * ** ** 95


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