Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 331
________________ INDEX. 801 ** 116 Kapissene * *** *** *** - 289 ... 268 Bakhsh Gangbht, 129; of Ghauns al-Azam, Kanthaka, legendary steed of Buddha ... % Piran Pir, of Baghdad ... ... ... 130 Kao-fu, modern X&bul and the Yue-chi ... 76 Kahan Chand, raja of Kahlor ... ... 226 Kapila AchArya ... ... ... ... ... 284 kal, hand ... . " Kapilar, Brahman poet, 261; his works, 262; Kaimar hill caves .. ...240 and n. probable date ... ... ... ... 263 1. Kaivalya, complete isolation ... ... ... 280 Kapilavasta, tn., and Buddha ... ... 2 Kajangals, tn.... ." ... ... 179 Kapiba and Ki-pin, 82 n; or Kia-pi-she, Gr. kákani, copper coin ... ... ... ... 53 *** ... ... ... 84 Kalachuri emperor, the, Yuvardjadeva I. ... 178 kara, a tax ... . ... 47, 111, 115f. Kalhapa, author of the Rajataranginf... 77 | Karachi dist. of Sind, copper celt find, at ... 292 KAlidasa's Kundrasarnbhava, and cave- Karachuli, 178 n.; for Kalachuri, q.. ... 178 houses as pleasure-resorta . ... ... 199 kerada, a tax payer .. .. . . 10 taliman, kanimal, flower ... ... ... ... 95 95 Karam Oband, rájå of Kangra... ... ... 227 Kalinga, co., Eastern India . 178, 280 n., 250 Karapana, enemies of the pious ... 14 n. Kalinga, a cobra... ... .. ... ... 280 Karbald shrine in Persis ... ... ... 271 KalingAdhipa, for Trikalingadhipati, q.o. ... 178 Kargil, vil. in Ladakh ... Kalingattuparani and Karikala, 263 ; and Karbarbari in Hazaribagh diat. find of Madiraikonda Parakesarivarnian ... ... 264 smelted copper at, 232, 235; or Pachamba Kallar, Brahman vizier of Laga-Tarman, finds .. ... founded the Hindu Sahi dynasty ... 86 and n. Kiri, Tamil chief and patron of letters ... 263 Kalaf edict, and the meaning of sdmanta, 245; KarikAla, Chola k....... of chikichha ... ... ... ... ... 246 Karman, Sayyid shrines at ... ... 289 f. kalusha, Sk., dirty, impure ... 42, 45 karmic law ... ... 121 kalushadhara, possibly mountain of sins'... 42, 45 Karnata, co. ... ... ... 178 kalushdntara ... ... ... ... 42, 43, 45 karpans, priests of the damas ... ... 61 Kalvot pol, Kalustrioi ... ... ... ... 27 Karparavarsha, hero of the drama ViddhaldKalyanapäri, riv. .. ... ... .. 250 labhanjikd ... ... 177 f. Kalyani insorip., 180; and the reformation of karsha or suvarna, a coin ... 58 and n. Buddhism in Burma ... ... 183, 185 Kartika, month ... .. 89, 118 Kamalavalli, an Apsaras, wife of Tirumangai Kartsa, co. ... *** 290 n. Alwar ... ... .. ..... K'u-sha, co., =Su-le ... are ... 284 ... ... ... Kamandaka's Nítisára and the Arthaldstra 27 Kashgar and the Kharoshthi by 0. Franke of Chanakya ... ... ... ... ... 5, 6 and R. Pischel, Part I., The Chinese sources, Kambojas, & people ... ... ... .. 181 21 ff.; The Indian sources, 25 ft., Part II., Kamsa, enemy of Krishna ... ... ... The Chinese sources, 41 ff., The Indian Kanaka Durgl, goddess of Bezwada ... ... 187 sources... ... ... ... ... .. 451. Kanakhala, mt. near Haridvar ... Kashmir, Ki-pin, 43 n., 82, and the Yuëh-chi, Kanarese and Pulu, languages of the Satiya- 44; and Buddhism, 77 and n.; and Kanishputra kingdom ... ... ... ... 251 ke's coins, 78 n.; and Mihirakula, 81; and Kananj or Mahôdaya, and the poet the White Hans, 83 and n.; and the Kabal Rajasekhara ... ... ... 177f. Sahis, 86; Kasmira, 178; Buddhist mission Kanchanapata, elephant of the gods... ... 179 to, 180, 208 1.; contains no Buddhist Kiichi and the Pallavas ... ... masonry... .. .. .. ... 256, 258 kandara, for ddri griha or Silavelman, q. v. ... 199 Käsi, tn., Benares ... ... ... 277 Kandi, tn. ... .. . Kasimbazar ... ... ... ... 289-291 KANHPKI, Kasteha ... ... Kassapa, KAéyapa, Buddhist missionary ... 180 . Kangarote or Chandragiri, riv. ... Kasyapa, a sage ... ... ... ... ... 88 Kanik, k. of Kabul, and Kanishka ... KAsyapa, Kassapa, q. o., 180 £.; Kachobuvan, Kanika and Kanishka ... ... in the Tiruvellapai inscrip. ... ... ... 265 Kanikanan, attendant of Poikhai Alwar ... 275 f. Katoch, royal family of Ohanda ... ... 227 kanimal, kaliman, a flower ... ... Katni, gateway in Mathura ... ... ... 232 Kanishka and Kanika, 44, 77; coins of, 78 Katyayana's probable date, 230 n.; KachchAand n., 79; 84; and Kanik ... ... ...85 f. nan, in the Tiruvellarai inscrip. ... ... 265 Kanishkapura, tn. in Kashmir ... 77 n. Kauravas and Pandavas ... ... ... 91 Kanispôr, vil, in Kashmir .. ... Kautaliya Arthalastra, i.e., Kautaliya's Kannars, North, for Vanavasi, 9..... Science of Economics, a work by Ohanakya 5 ... 179 . 196 *** * 1, Kanesha 77 n.


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