Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 333
________________ INDEX 303 ... 273 ... 76 kurukatti, a flower ... madahya, in the Yasna 12 n. Kush&n empire... 78 and n., 79 Madapollam, tn. in Madras ... ... 164, 287 Kubans, the Kuei-shaung tribe Madhura Kavi Alwer ... ... .. 277 f. kutumba, a measure ... ... ... 51 and n. Madhyadoša, the middle country ... ... 179 Kuyulakapbasa, Kushana k. ... 77 | Madhyama, Majjhima, q. t. ... ... 181 Kyeris, Dard settlement ... 98 Madiraikonda Parakesarivarman's inscripe. Kyishur, Dard vil ... ... ... 98, 100 at Tiruvellapai... ... ... 264 Madraspatman, tn. ... ... 173 1. maga, meaning of 611. Ladakh ... ... ... 99, 203 f., 208 and n. Magadha, co. ... 59, 189 Ladakht dialect, 93; pottery, 204 ; trade in magahya... ... 12 n. ancient times ... ... ... ... ... 207 Mazas, k. ... 181, 245 Les-lih, a Ye-tha prince ... ... 82 n. Magavans, 16, 18; and magians - 61 Lagn-Tarman, last of the Turkish Sahis of mageer, in the Kalaf edicts ... ... 247 Kabal ... ... ... ... ... 86 and n. Møgha, munth... ... Lahkhana, probably a White Hun prince ...83n. Maghahya khshatra, ethereal kingdom of Lahore and Sekala ... ... 81, 265, 259 Vishtaspa ... ... .. Lahtavistara and Kharoshthi ... 21, 25, 27, 46, 64 magian, Persian priest, 61; not mentioned in Laila Majnon or Diwana Malang aidrat, q. v. 269 the Apesta, 62, and Mazdaism Lakhanpur, vil. in Bengal ... ... ... 197 magvans, meaning of ... ... Lakshmi. &. 973; and Vishnu ... 282, 285 | Mahabharata, the; notice of Sörensen's Index Lala Gul, sidrat at Kharlachi.. ... 269 f. to the names in it ... ... ... ... Lalliya Sahi, probably Kallar, q. v. ... 86 and n. Muhad caves, probably places of amusement. Lama's throne, remains of one, found at MabAdeva, Buddhist missionary .. ... Balu-mkhar ... ... ... .. .. 205 Mabadhimmarakk hita, Buddhist missionary. 180 Lamayuru, vil. S. W. of Leh, yYung-drung, mahamantrin = son of a great minister, ap 9.0. ... ... ... ... ... 204, 206 f. plied to the poet Rajasekhara .. .. 179 Langhorne, Sir Wm, governor of Masuli- Mahânáma, author of the early part of the patam, and Wm. Jearsey ... ... ... 172 Mahavamsa ... .. ... ... 136, Lanka, Ceylon, 28; Buddhist Mission to 180, 280. Maharakkhita, Buddhist missionary... ... L&ta, place .. ... ... ... ... 178 Maharashtra law of sucoession, in the ruling families of Maharattha, W. Central India, Buddhist the Parijab Hill States ... ... 226 f. mission to ... ... ... ... ... 180 Leeston, in Dorset, birthplace of Wm. Clavell. 286 Mahksena, g. ... ... Leh, tn. .. ... ... ... 103, 204, 207 f. Mahdvarsa, the, on Buddhism under Asoka, Lonasobhikuls, cave actresses ... ... 298 8. 182; and Buddhagbow .... ... 186, 264 Leyden Grant, and Karikåla, Chola k. ... 263 Mahavantu, the, and Kharðshthi ... ... 46 Iha-bab, one on whom the gods descend MabAvibara of Anuradhapura, a monastery... 185 Lhtsija .. ... ... 27 Mabay na doctrine in Khotan, 44; in Burma... 184 Likir, vil. in L. Ladakh ... 207 Mabendra, Mahinda, 9. v. ... ... 180 1., 183 Iilds, sports of Krishna... ... Mahendrapala or Nirbhaya, k of Kanauj. lipi, lipi for dipi, q .... ... patron of R&jaśêkhara ... 177, 178, 179 Littleton, Ed., and W. Clavell Mahinda, Mahầndra, Buddhist missionary, Li-yal = Khotan 180 f., 183 locust, origin of the edible ... ... Mahipala, k. of Kanauj ... ... 177, 179 Lo Yang, place in Honan .. .. Mahipaladeva, k. of Kanauj, or of Chôdi. 177, 179 Lu Athrungsh, Songs of the Bono-ná Fes- Mahisamandula, Maisur, Buddhist mission tival, 9. v. ... ... ... ... .. 93 to ... 160 Lüders, Prof. H, and Indian caves as Mahmad of Ghazni, in India ... ... 85 f. pleasure-resorts ... ... ... ... 199 MÅbo, g. .. . ... ... ... 79 Ludiâna, tn. ... ... ... ... ... 257 Mahôdaya, Kanauj ... ... ... ... 177 Lumbini, Lammini, see Rummindei inscrip.... 1 ff. Mahura, tn. in Kurram ... ... Maidal, son of Bikram Chand of Kahlar... 227 Maidyo-Maongha, adherent of Zapatbushtre, Maodonell, Prof., and the word ayas... 230 n. 17, 18 . Macedonia, Buddbist mission to ... 183; 245 | Mailapar, birthplace of P& Alwir ... 278, 275 ... 93


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