Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 339
________________ INDEX. 309 ... 249 *** ** s. 256 Selvakkadungo, a Chôraman . ... 262 Selvanambi, a learned man ... ... 279, 281 Senart, M., and Kharoshțhi, 46; and the in troduction of Buddhism into the Malay Peninsula, 184; his interpretation of sa marta, 245 ; of chikichha ... ... ... 246 Sendamaraikkannar for Puņdarikáksba, g. 9. v. ... ... ... ... ... ... 264 Senguttuvan Sera, grandson of KarikalaChôla • • ... ... ... 263 sér, a measure ... ... ... ...51 n., 53, 56 Seram, Kerala, 9. . ... ... *** Serapis, CAPALIO ... ... ... ... 79 Shabak, in Kurram, Sayyid shrines at ... 269 Shah Abbas' riárat, at Bamir ... ... ... 269 Shah Ibrahim siarat, at Bagzai... ... ... 269 Shah Ishaq sidrat, at Balyamin ... 269, 271 Shah Madár, Mian Bibi, q. t. ... 125, 127, 130 Shah Mardan, Sayyid shrine at Paiwar ... 268 Shah Mir Sayyid Ahmad widrat, at Shalozan. 269 Shah Parl, disciple of Mian Bibi ... 125, 131 Shah Sayyid Fakhr-i-Alam sidrat, at Karmân. 269 Shah Sayyid Rami, patron saint of Zêran ... 269 ShAh Talab sidrat, at Malana ... ... 269 Shahanan Shah, Iranian title, king of kings.' 781. Shahbazgarhi edicts of Asoka. 26, 46, 202, 245 f. ShAhiya of Kabul, Kushana litle ... 85 f. Shakh, place in Kurram ... ... ... 270 Shalozan, in Kurram, Sayyid shrines at ... 269 f. shaomam, saomam, for shyoman, .. ...12 n. PAONANO PAO KANHPKI KOPANO ... ... 78 Shapôla hill ... ... ... ... ... 271 Shaw Jehan, Emp. ... Shayista Khan, Shaster Caun, Nawab of Ben gal ... ... ... ... 287 n.-291 Shekh Madd, brother of Mian Bibi... Sher Shah's castle, in the Tilla range ... Sher Singh and Sir Hugh Gough i.. Shergol, place in Ladakh ... ... Shias ... ... ... . Shiggar, Dard vil. ... ... ... Shi-li-ki-li-to-ti, Kashgar, 22; and Shu-lê ... 42 Shogam-la, Customs Pass near Balu-mkhar. 207 Shôrkôt, tn., Jhang dist., Panjab ... ... 255 shugpa, the pencil cedar of Tibet ... ... 208 Shu-le, co., Kashgar .. .. ... 41-45 Shulik, Sulek, for Su-le ... ... 22 n., 44 Shwemôktaw, pagoda at Sagaing ... ... 181 Shwetadi, pagoda in the Ruby Mines dist., Burma... .. . ... ... 181 f. shyoman, in the 'Yaena' ... ... 12 n. Sika Ram, sidrat and Peak at Paiwar ... 268 SilAditya of Mo-la-p'o ... ... ... ... 195 Silappadhikaram, the, and the date of Senguttuvan ... .. ... ..... .. 263 silâvelman, dårlgréka, cave-dwelling ... ... 199 silver objects, found at Gungeria in Nagpur, 283, 239 Sind, find of copper implements in ... 231, 236 Singh, a title .. .. 271 Siriam, E. I. Co.'s settlement in Pegu 164 Sirmor, a Pañjab State... .. Sirsa, ancient fort of Lahore Sistân find of arrow-heads ... ... 238 sita, produce from crown-lands ... 47, 110 Sitå Bangira, care in Râmpur ... 197, 199 Siva, 8., 28, 274; on coins, 79; disguised as a ChandAla, 120; or Isvara, 154 n.; temple at Tiruvellaria ... ... ... ... ... 264 Siva's bull on coins ... ... ... 79, 83 Sivaji ... ... .. ... ... ... 28 Siwálik, range in the Pañjab ... Skanda, g. ... ... ... ... ... 79 Skandagupta's inscrip. uses the name 'Hana.' 94 skandha prdpartima, form of irrigation ... 110 Skyurbucan, Skyidpocan, vil. in Ladakh, 208 and n. Smithson, R., and Wm. Jearsey ... ... 167 Smyrna ... ... .. snataka?="cleanser ... ... .. ... 151 bobhika, dobhaniká, actor ... ... 199 and n. Sogdiana and the Greeks ... .. ... 75 Sök, a people ... ... Sômadeva's Nativúkymrita and the Kauta liya Artha sastra ... ... ... ... 6 Soma-Haoma ... ... ... ... ... 12 Soméévara MahAdeva temple, at Parikr, q. v. 232 Såna, Buddhist missionary ... ... 180, 183 Sôna-Uttara, Buddhist missionary ... ... 182 Sonali, in Kangra ... ... ... ... 227 Sopeithes, k. of the Salt Range ... Sörensen's Index to the names in the Maha bharata, notice of ... ... ... ... 91 Sovanabhami, Suvannabhumi, q. v. ... 180 and n., 181, 183, 184 Spain, stone-mounds of ... ... ... 239 Spitama, title or name of Zarathustra ... 17 Spitamenes, leader of the Soydian cavalry under Bessos ... ... ... ... 17 and n. Squire, Mr. H., and Wm. Jearsey ... .. 172 sraddha, ceremony ... ... ... ... 144 Sraosha, genius of obedience and revelation... 12 Sråvara ... ... . .. ... ... 280 Sri Lakshmana Suri's commentaries, notice of . .. . .. ... ... 176 Sri Ranganatha, g., = Vishnu ... ... 282 Sri Sankaracharya, the Manisha Panchakam of ... ... ... ... ... 120 ff. Sri Vaishnava, title of Tirumalli Sai Alwår... 274 Sri-Vaishnava dcháryas of Tiruvellarai ... 264 *** .260


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