Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 337
________________ INDEX. 307 . I artin, åknial ... 131 ... Persian, script, and the Môdi character, 28; Pundarlkáksha or Sendâmaraikkannar, god influence on Maurya India ... ... 201 f. of the Vaishnava temple at Tiruvellarai... 264 Perumal, the Chéraman ... ... ... 263 Punjab, W., and Kanishka's coins, 78 n. Peshawar valley, ancient Gandhára, 78; and inscrip. from, 84; and the cult of Mián Buddhist masonry .. ... ... ... 255 Bibi, 125, ff. ; see Pañjab ... 226, 243, 253 ff., 271 Peshawar, tn., Purushapura ... ... 80, 85, 257 Purushapura, Peshawar ... ... ... 80 phirwanna, . parwand ... . ... 287 f. Parvasikh Brâhmans, and Tiruvellasai ... 284 Pind Dadan Khan, in the Pañjab, suggested Pushkarasadi, a teacher of law ... ... site of Alexander's camp ... 253, 255, 258, 260Pushkarasári, Pukkharasáriya writing ...26 f. Pir Banof, Pir Bannaji, a kdff of ... ... 129 Pir Jholan Shah, brother of Mian Bibt ... 125 Pir Pantsal, pass in Kashmir ... 81 n., 82 qarár, repose in peace ... ... 127 and n. Pir Sultan Shah, brother of Mian Bibi ... 125 Queda .. ... 106 pisachas, demons ... ... ... . ... 182 Queen's cave ... 200 Pischel, Prof., on the Paderiyê inscrip., 1 and Quilon, later Chêra cap. n., 2, 3, 4; on Kashgar and the Kharoshthi, 25 f., 45 f. Pischel's Grammatik Der Prakrit Sprachen' index to all the Prakrit words occurring in Rab-Mag ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 it ... ... ... ... ... Appendix Rág Bibi; a khidl ... ... .. ... 18 Pitênikas, a people ... ... ... ... 181 Rag Bihdg Tartin, a khidl . pitris, paternal ancestors ... ... ... 89 Rdg Kalian Imum, a khidl ... ... 130 €. Piyadasi, 2; an epithet or title ... 4 and n., 246 t. Ragha, o. N.-W. of Media, and Mazda-worPoggam Papaya, character in Dakshina-Desa ship ... ... .. ... 65 f. folklore ... ... ... ... 210 f. Raj Singh, son of Ummed Singh of Chamba.. Poikhai Alwar, the Conch Avatar of Conjive- R&jagriha, tn. in Magada ... ... ... 59 ram ... ... ... ... ... 273, 275 Rajak@sarivarman's inscrip, at Tiruvellarui. 261 Pokkbarasati, a Brahman ... ... Rajaraja the Great 26 ... .. Porus, opponent of Alexander in the Pan Rajarfja I., inscrips. ef his time at Tiruveljáb ... ... .. 253 ff laria ... ... ... ... ... ... 266 potsherds found in Balu-mkbar Rajakókhara, the poet, notes by Hultzsch. 177. ff. Poddaung inscrip. of s'inbuyin ... 186 n. Rajatarangini, and the White Huns, 74; and Povey, Mistress, fiancée of J. Jearsey ... 173 Kushana rulers, 77 and n.; and Kashmir Prakrit, lang, of the Kushana inscrips. ... 78 rulers, 83 n. Prakrit words occurring in Pischel's Rajândra-Chola I., inscrips. of his time at "Grammatik Der Prakrit Sprachen,' index Tiruvellarai ... ... ... ... 264 f. to them ... ... . . Appendix ... .. ... 926 pranaya, a tax ... ... ... 273 ... ... rajoguna, quality of passion ... ... 115 ... ... ... Rajpur copper finds 231, 234, 236 prasta, a measure .... ... ... 51 and n. Prayaga, Allahabad ... ... ... ... 179 Rajpats, as followers of Mián Bibi, 128 ; and priyadarbana? ... ... ... 153 n. the title, Mån... .. .. .. 272 Probie, Proby, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey 165, 173 Rakkbita, Buddhist missionary ... 180, 182 Probus, coins of ... ... ... 252 Rakkhita the Great, Buddhist missionary ... 182 Procopius and the White Huns ... 80, 83 rakshasae ... . ... ... ... 89 f. proxenoi, Greek officers entrusted with the Rama, 8, 14 and n., 91, 136 n.; as an incarnacare of foreigners ... tion of Vishnu 200 f. ... ... ... . ... 188 .. Ffpoférou, prozenoi, q. . ... ... 200 f. Râma, king, Vijayanagara ... .. Ptolemy, k. ... ... ... ... 181, 245 Råmachandra, Yadava k., of Devagiri ... 19 Puckle, Major, and W. Clavell ... 289 f. Råmadêva, king, Vijayanagara ... ... 19 Ramadhipati or Dhammachêti, q. .... Pudhatta Alwêr, the Club Avatar at Conji Ramanadera, Talaing kingdom... 180 n., 184, 186 veram ... ... ... ... ... ... 273 RAmandjacharya, Hinda reformer ... ... 277 Puli Kadi Mál Ipangôvêļ of Arayam, Tamil R&mayana, the ... .. ... .. .. 91 chief. ... .. . ... 261 *** Ramgarh Hill Caves in Sargaja, by Jas. Palikat, lake on the Madras Coast .. 1 Burgess... .. . . ... ... 197 ft. Palindas, a people ... .. . ... 181 Râmnagar, tn. . . " - 259 ". ... 264 f. Rajnagar, in the Peria. ... 183 250


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