Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 340
________________ 310 INDEX. 8 .. .. 147 Srikirltadhi, for Shu-le... ... ... ... 45 Tagaddr; there are two places of this name, Srlokasarangamahamuniandra, a Brahman one in Mysore, and the other in Dharmapriest ... ... .. ... 283 puri ... ... .. .. ** ...263 Srirangam, tetuple ... ... 278, 282, 285 f. | Tagaung, tn. in Burma ... ... 186 Srivaten, general under Yuvarajadeva I. ... 178 Tagmacig, vil, near Khalatae ... ... ... 208 Srivatsa, a mark on Vishnu's breast... 288 Ta-hia, nation in Bactria ... ... 76 and n. Srivillipattor in Tinevelli, birthplace of Tailings, a tribe ... ... ... .*** .. 20 Vishņu Obitta... ... ... ... ... 281 T&jiks, a tribe ... ... ... .. ... 76 Sriyuvarajadêva, the Kalachari Yuvarljade- Talaing kingdom, Ramaññadesa ... 180 n. .... ... ... ... ... 177 Tamajuri, vil., in Midnapur dist., copper celts srðto-yantra pravartima, form of irrigation... 110 found at ... ... ... ... 232, 235 Srutavarman, Indian king of Cambodia ... 184 Tambapannt, Ceylon ... ... ... ... 250 St. George, Fort, 164 ff.; first trial by jury Tambaparni, riv. ... ... ... 277 f. in 1678, 173; and W. Clavell.. 286 1., 289, 291 tamguna, quality of darkness... ... ... 273 Stag-ythsar-rlabs-cen, a Tibetan ... ... 206 Tamil chiefs as patrons of letters ... 261 ff. Sthånika, district superintendent ... . Tamil, lang. of 8. India, 268; and Sanskrit... 264 Sthantya, a fortress .. Tamil Vaishnava sainta, stories of ... 273 f. . Sthaviravalli-charita, or lives of the Jains Tamrag&tiyas, & sect ... ... ... ... 182 Patriarchs by Hêmachandra, and CL Tang dynasty, some writings of, 21; Annals and Su-le ... naky ... ... ... ... 5 and n. ... ... ... ... 22, 25 sthila ... ... tara, tara-déya, taxes 2121 ... ... ... ... 47, 57 Stone Age in India ... ... Taranatha and Kanika of Tili... ... 44 and n. stone implements found at Balu-mkhar. 203 f., 209 T'atôn, tn. ... ... ... ... ... 186 Strabo, and the Greeks in India, 75 and n.; Tathagata Taw Sein-Ko, Mr., on Abôka's mission to and the feast of the wasbing of the king's Burma ... hair 203 1. ... ... ... ... 181 f., 184 f. .. stápas, in Balu-mkhar ... ... 204 f. Taxila ... ... ... ...253, 256-260, 263 Taxiles, chief opposing Alexander the Great. 258 Sudrae .. Sufed Koh, mts.... Ta-Yue-chi, for Yue-chi ... ... ... 268 ... ... 75 Sugata, Buddha ... Telingana, Satiyaputra kingdom ... ... 250 Telugu, lang., and the Modi ... Sugdak, Hiung-nu name ... ... 28 Sui Annals, and Buddhism ... Telugu folklore, by Subramiah Pantulu, 87 ff., Sukôt, Pañjáb State ... 122 ff.; eclipse tales, 176 ; folksongs... 186 ff. Suktihara, a siddha ... ... 275 Temple, Sir R., and Asoka's mission to sukumara ? = Tender Youth' ... ... 151 Burma ... ... ... ... ... ... 184 Su-u, Shu-te Tenby, in Wales, Bactrian coin found at ... 252 ... ... ... 21 ff., 24, 27 Tewar, tn., ancient Tripuri Sulek, Surah, for Shu- ... ... ... 22, 45 ... ... 177 sulka, mine tolls ... ... Thar-myed-chos-'aphel, converted Buddhist ... 47, 57, 113 Sultan Oband, son of Bikram Chand... ... 227 lama ... .. . ... 33 Sultan Sujah ... ... ... ... ... 288 Sundaramarti-Nayanar, early king in 8. by Andratazo ... ... ... ... 186 Indis ... Thera Sonottara ... ... ... .. ... ... 263 ... .. .. ... 182 Sung Yun, Chinese pilgrim, visited Mihira mThingmo-gang, vil. in L. Ladakh ... 205 , 207 kula thod?=thob? ... .. ... 82 and n. ... " ... ... 162 n. Surat, tn.... ... ... ... 287 thunder, a Telugu superstition thunder, a Telugu supe ... ... 176 Sutlaj, riv. ... Tibet ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 Sutton, Lieut., and Wm. Jearsey ... ... 172 tika, title of the heir-apparent in Chamba. 272 Suvannabhumi, Pegu, Abôka's alleged Tilår, riv. . mission to ... ... .. . 180 ff. | Tili, kingdom of Kanika 180 ff. . suparna or karsha, & gold coin ... ... 53 Tille, range in the Pañjab ... ... ... 258 Suvarnabhumi, the Goldland' ... ... 182 Tirih, vil, in Kurram ... . svaviryöpajivins, private cultivators ... ... 110 Tirthain, Sk., Tristhaniya, title of the third Svêtádri. Vaishnava mansion at Tiruvellasai, 264 son of a Mandi raja ... . . 272 Sylvain Lévi and Kharoshtri ... ... tirthas, holy places ... ... ... ... 152 Syria, Buddhist miskion to ... ... ... 183 Tirukadalmalli, birthplace of Pudhatta Alwar, 273 Thatôn, tn. in Burma 180 ... 99 4., 185 f.; conquer 93 ... ... 270


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