Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 330
________________ 800 INDEX. .. ... 199 265 €. Ibn Batata of Tangiers on Maldivian history. 251 Jaidéya Joidevd, Rajpat salutation ... 272 Ibrahim Naruddin, 7th Sultan of the Jaina inscrip. at Mathura ... Maldives ... ... ... .. ...251 . Jajis, a tribe ... ....... ... ... 269 Imam sidrat, at Shalozan ... ... ... 269 Jal Pari, sister of Mian Bibi ... - ... 125 Imam Mga KÅzimi Sayyids, a Kurram sept. 270 Jal&lpur, tn, in the Pañjab ... 253, 259–261 Imam Razki Sayyids, a Kurram sept ... 269 Jam sp, De Jamaspa ... ... 17, 18 and n Index to Yule's Hobson Jobson, Hampi- Jambudvipa, India ... ... ... ... 77 Rindu, 66–72; Hindú-Hyper., 189- Jambukêsvara temple at Tiruvellasia, inscrip. 195; Hyper.-Izarees ... ... 213-225 213-225 from ... ... Index of Prakrit words in Piechel's "Gram- Janardhan, son of RajA BAIA Bhadra ... 272 matic Der Prakrit- Sprachen ... Appendix Junjira tn., on W. Cast of India ... ... 28 India, and Shu-le, 43 f., 59; and Zarathush- Janselone, Junk-Ceylon ... ... ... 166 tria nism, €5; Subjugation of the N-W. Jaugada edict ... ... ... ... 245 f. Frontier, 74, and the Greeka, 75 and n., con- Jadrla, dynastic surname of Toramana ... 86 quered by the Yuc-tebi, 76; and the White Java, Sk, inscrip from, 184 ; architecture ... 256 Huns, 80-81; and Budru'ddin, 125, Early Javanaliya writing ... ... ... ... 26 History of, by V. A. Smith (book-notice), Jearsey, Wm., Seventeenth Century Anglo195 f.; Consular officers in, 200; Persian Indian worthy... ... ... ... 164 ff., 287 influence in, 201 f. ; its copper age and pre- Jearsey, J., father of Win. Jearsey .. . 164 historic bronze implementa, 229 ff.; and Jearsey, Mary, mother of Wm. Jearsey ... 165 Alesander the Great ... ... ... 254 ff. Jearsey, J., nephew of Wm. Jearsey ... 165, 173 Indian influence on the Malay Peninsula, 184 Jbelum, Jihlam, riv. q. o. ... 253, 257-259 and n.; caves as pleasure resorts, by Prof. Jhönawal, in the Hoshiarpur dist., contains H. Lüders ... ... .. ... .. 180 the tumb of Bolån Shah ... ... 125 f. Indians, and Mithra, 12; wore long hair ... 203 | Jihlam, Jhelum, riv. and tn.... 253, 258 1. Indo-Scythians and India ... ... 74 ff. Jina, epithet of Buddha ... ... ... 148 Indra, g.... .. ... ... ... 90, 123 Jiva and Brabm ... 121 Indras ... ... ... 121 f. jñatis, wealthy kinamen ... .. 10 Indus, valley, and the Kushanas, 79, riv, 74 ff., Jogi Mara, cavo in Kampur, 197; inscrip... 19R 201, 202, 207, 254 Inscriptions, of Asoka, The Padariya, 1 ff., jogis, as spies ... .. 116 ff. 182, 196, 201 f., 246 ff. ; of Mathura, 77 n., Johnston, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey ... ... 165 83: of Yasodharman. 82, 84; of Skandag up- Jomanes, Jumna, riv. ... ... ... 25 ta, 84; Bilhari, 178; Kalyani, 180, 183, 185; Juan-Juan, Avar tribe ... ... ... 80 Salichi, 181 f ; Sanskrit, in Java and Bor- Jubbulpore, Jabalpur, 9. v. ... 240.243 f. neo, 184; Jogiwara, 198; from Corfu, 200 f.; Juber Beague, Zafar Bêg ... 169 and n. in Balu-mkhar, notes on, 205 ff.; of Tiru- Judea and Nebuchadnezzar vellaria, notes on ... ... ... 264 ff Jumna, riv., 232; or Jomanes ... ... Inweyin, in the Chindwin valley ... ... 181 Junagadb, the Uparkoç cave at ... 198 Irán, 1 f.; and agriculture, 14; and Maz- Jungumrazpillay in the Karnol dist. daism, 64 t.; and Islam ... ... ... 85 deposits of galens ... ... ... 240. Iranian religion, by Dr. C. l. Tiele, conta. JunkCeylon, Janselone from Vol. XXXII. p. 300... ... 11 ff., 60 ff. Jushka, Turushka k. of Kashmir ... Ireland and India, copper ages of ... ... 231 Jusbkapura, tn.. in Kashmir ... ... iron implements, from Balu-nukbar, 210; age Justin and the Greeks in India ... in S. India, 229; in N. India ... ... 230 Irrawaddy, riv. ... ... .... ... 186 Kabul, Kao-fu, 76; and Kanishka's coins, Islam, in Iran and Kabal, 85; in India ... 86 78 n.; and Islam ... ... .. . 85 Isvara = Siva ... ... ... 154 and n., 158 n. Kabul, riv. ... ... ... ... 75. 257 Italy, N., and the use of copper and bronze. 231 Kabul Valley, the coins anil sculptures of, Itawa copper find' ... 232, 237 and n., 241, 242 74, 78; Kipin ... ... ... ... 80,-84 Kdchchanan for Katydyana... ... ... 265 Kachchba, co., Western India ... 230 n. Jabala, a Bribinuna, a story on friendship. 87 ff. Kilchchudan for Kidyapi ... ... 265 Jabalpur, Jubbulpore, copper celt find, 240, 243 f. Kafts, Bonge, of Mian Shah Madar, 127. of jagratharusthus ... ... ... ... 120 Bbölau ShAh, 128; of Pir Banol, of Miau A14 ... 260 ... 254 77 n. ... 75


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