Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 323
________________ INDEX . . 45 ... 262 *** . .. 205 Abbas sidrat, at Sadra... ... ... 269 'Ali Didi, Maldivian minister ... ... 251 f. Abhayadeva, Buddhist writer ... - 25 1 'Ali Masjid, fort... ... ... ... 256 A bisares, Indian chief ... .. 258, 259, 260 Alt Shert, vil. in Kurram ... ... 270 Abohur, ancient fort S. of Lahore .. Alima, Gulla sidrat at Paiwar ... 268 Achin, tn. in Sumatra ... ... ... ... 166 Alizais, sept in Kurram ... ... 269 A ckworth, Mr., ard Wm. Jearsey ... ... 165 Allahabad, Prayaga ... .... ... ... 179 Addac, Alanish name ... Alptekin, Turkish Dame .. 85 n. adhaka, a measure ... 51 and n., 5S Altiranische Wörterbuck, von Christian Ådi, mother of the poet Kapilar Bartholomae, book-notice ... ... 72 Adihaman of Tagadar, Tamil chief and patron Alwar Tirunagiri, ancient Kurugur ... ... 277 of letters ... ** ... ... ... ... 263 Amb, tn, in the Pafijab ... ... ... 256 advaita, non-duality ... ... ... ... 121 Ambir Pass, in Karram in urram .. .. .. ... 96 aenangham, evil-doers ... ... ... 12 n. ameretat, athanasia ... ... ... 62, 63 Aeshma, the fend ... ... 14 and n., 60 Amestris, wife to Xerxes ... ........ 202 Afghanistan and the Yüeh-chih, 44; and Amina Rani, daughter of a Maldivian sultan, 251 the Kusbanas, 79; and Mian Chanan ... 126 Amiru'l-umara, Naw&b of Bengal ... 291 n. Agea Manifold, son of a Maldivian sultan. 251 f. Amirul Muminin Ali, Commander of the agrdna, ignorance .. ... ... .. 122 faithful ... ... ... ... ... 270 f. Agnikula, the Fire-Race, by S. Krishnasvami A-mo-chih, surname of a prince of Su-le ... 22 Aiyangar ... .. .. .. 261 ff. Amritsar, tn. ... ... ... .. ... 257 agribpa, to diminish ... Amabaspands, Mazda and his six Ahuras ahamkára, egoism ... ... ... 120ananda, happiness ... ... ... Ahmad Didt, son of a Maldivian sultan ...251 t. Anantavarman, k. of Vidarbha .. Ahmadabad bluff, on the Chinab, crossing Ancestor-worship, compensation for ... place of the Greeks ... ... ... ... 253 Andal, 281 ; Kodai Andal, q.u. ... ... Ahmadzai in Kurram, Sayyid shrines at ... 269 Andhras, 181; or Satavahanas... .. ahu, temporal lord . .... ... ... 60 Andrewes, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey ... ... 164 Ahunavairys prayer ... ... Anglo-Indian Worthies of the Seventeenth Ahura Mazda...12, 13, 14 n., 15, 60, 62 and n., Century, by Lavinia M. Anstey. 163 ff., 286 ff. 63, 65 annamayakosa ... ... ... .. .. 120 Ahuras, the six ... ... ... ... 12, 62 Andratazo's conquest of Thatôn .. .. 186 Airyana-vaejo, cradle of the Aryans ... 64, 65 antahkarana, the thinking faculty ... 121 f. aitvarya, the eight powers ... ... 3 n., 4 Anthropology, the practical value of, by Ajai Singh, son of Kahan Chand of Kahlür. 227 Sir Richard Temple ... .. ... 132 ff. caves and wall frescoes ... ... 198 Antigonos, k. .. ... ... ... ... 181 Ajit Singh, son of Kahan Chand of Kablar... 227 Antigonus, k. .. .. .. .. .. 245 akása light ... ... .. ... ... 120 antike ? .. 161 Akbar, 126; birthday celebrations of... ... 202 Antiocbos, k. ... ... 181, 245 and n., 248 Akesines, Chinab riv. ... ... 254, 256, 258 Anuradhapura, old cap. of Ceylon ... Akhilândanayaki snrine in the Jambukesvara Aornoe, hill, in the Pañjab ... ... 256 f. temple at Tiruvellapai, inscrip. from ...265 f. Apam-napat, god of lightning ... ... ... 17 Akyah, Buddha-Makân shrine at ... ... 143 Aparantaka, coast north of Bombay .. ... 180 AA Bakhsh Pesbwâ, saint ... ... 129 f. Apaatamba, author of the Dharmasutra ... 26 Alagiyâmanvala - beautiful bridegroom - Apsarasas, celestial dancers ... ... ... 284 Vishņu disguised ... ... ... ... 283 Arab Shảh sidrat, at Ahmadzai ... ... 269 Alampandi plate and Virupaksha ... ... 19 Arabian Khalifs and Kabul ... ... ... 85 Albaer, tn. ... ... ... ... ... 288 Aramati, Armaiti, q. o. ... 12, 14 n., 16, 63 n. Albērüni and Islam in India ... ... ...85 f. Arayam, dist, of the Western Ghâte ... 261 f. Alexander the Great ... 14, 75, 181, 201, 245 Archæological notes on Balu-mkhar, by the Alexander, Porus, and the Pañjab, by O. Revd. A. H. Francke ... ... 203 ff. Pearson ... ... 253 ff. ardhakakani, & coin .. . ... ... 52 17 n. ... 185


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