Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 326
________________ 296 INDEX. 129 ... 236 ... 269 ... 271 45 251 ... 232 Bukhårt Sayyide 271 , Chandisvara, a general . . Bullan Shah, Bbolan Shah, q.o. ... Chandpur, Bijnôr, copper finds at ... 231, 236 Bunhar Pass, in the Salt Range ... ... 253 Chandragiri or Kangarote, riv. ... ... 249. Burgess, Dr. J., and the Satiyaputra King- Chandragupta, and Chanakya, 5; Maurya. 200 1. dom .. . ... ... ... ... 250 Chandragupta II., Vikramaditya, overtbrew Burki, vil. in Kurram ... ... ... ... 269 the Western Satraps... ... ... ... 203 Burms, Asoka's mission to, 180 ff.; copper Chandravarman, k. of Låta ... ... ... 178 celt finds ... ... ... ... Chang k'ien, Chinese traveller, and Sha-lê, Burnes in the Paljab. 43, 45; and the Ynë-chi ... ... ...76f. Burqs Pôsh siárat, at KharlAchi .. charana, fixed religious observance, 151; see Burga-pôsh, Veiled Prophet, 270; shrine at vidydoharana ... .. .. .. 151 n. Shakh .. .. .. .. " Chardiwar, vil. in Karram ... ... 269, 271 Charsadda, tn., N.-W. Frontier Prov. ... 255 Chaubara Mound, in Mathuri... ... ... 232 Chauki bharná, a religious custom ... 128 n. Cambodia, Indian influence on, 184; and Chauthain, Sk. Chatus-sthaniya, title of the Suvannabhumf ... ... 186 tbird son of a Mandi Raja... .. .. 272 Camboja and Buddhism ... ... 184 Chavannes', M.Ed., Documents sur les TouCandac, Alanish name keine (Turcs) Occidentauc ... ... ... 73 Cannanore, tn. .. Chodi kings and the Poet Rajasekhara ... 177 Caoun Caunah, Nabob, Khân Khånân Cbel hill in the Salt Range ... ... ... 259 Carausius, coins of ... ... ... ... 252 Obera or Kerala Kingdom .. .. 249 4. Oassim bazar, tn. ... ... ... ... 289 Cheraman-Peromát, Travancor king... ... 263 Cawnpur, Kánhpur . .. ... .. 282 chikichha, in Rock Edict II., meaning of ... 246 f. Coylon, Lanka, 180; and Abôka, 248; Tatba chikisa, chikichha, q.. ... ... ... 246 f. parhnt **, .. * ... ... ... 250 ChilianwAla, battlefield ... ... ... 26 Ceylonese chroniclers, and the introduction China and Su-le, 22, 27, and Buddhism, 44 n.; of Buddhism into Burma ... ... 182 f. and the Yue-chi, 75; and the Hoa... ... 80 Chihuana family, ancestors of Avantisundart, Chinab, Akesines, riv. ... ... ... 253, 256 wife of the Poet Rajasekhara ... Chinalipi writing ... .. ... ....27 Chamba, Pañjab State ... ... 271, 272 Chin ch'an, a Yüeh-chih Sramana ... ... 44 Chamberlaine, Mr., and Wm. Jearsey Chinese and Turks ... ... ... ... 73 Chambrozhing, Dard settlement ... ... 98 Chintpurnt, tn. in the Hoshiarpur dist. 269 n. Chanakya's Land and Revenue Policy, by Chinvat, bridge leading to Elysium ... ... 62 R. Shamasastry, B.A., 5 ff.; political Chit-Brahma, the universal cause ... ... 120 divisions of land, 7; concessions to Ohitnist Valan, the Môdt script ... ... 28 coltivators, remissions of taxes, 9; village Chittagong, tn., and Badru-'ddin's shrine ... 143 rules, land sales, 10; sources of Revenue, Chôda kingdom ... ... ... ... 249 €. 47 ff.; rates of toll, 49; weights and Chôļa kingdom, 181, 248 f.; kings, 261; Raja measures, 50; municipalities, 51; jails, of Urayar ... *** .. . 282 currency, 52; price of grain, premia on Cholas and Katyayana ... ... ...230 n. exchange, 59; paesports, excise, 54; the Ohumghog. Dard settlement ... ... 98 slaughter-house, oil, butter, 55; galt, Chung, a Chinese ruler of Shu-le ... ... 45 goldsmiths, commerce, 56; taxes on the Olavell, Walter, 17th century Anglo-Indian sale of commodities, courtezans, 57; worthy ... ... ... ... ... 286 ff. gambling, buildings, 58 ; artisans, religious Cochin ... ... ... ... ... 249 institutions, gate dues, tax on Bahirikas, Coimbatore ... ... ... ... ... 249 59 ; Country Revenue, prodtoe from coin, of Menander found in Wales; other 252 crown-lands, 110; supdt, of ferries, 111; Commerce, maritime, of South Indian porta. 230 rates of boat-hire, 112; mines, gardens, Comorin, cape ... ... ... ... ... 249 113; foresta, cattle, 114; special taxes, Conjoeveram, Kanchipuram, temple at, 264; 115 if.: principles of revenne collection ... 119 birthplace of Poikhai Alwer... ... 273, 275 Chandamabas na or Virapala, of Kuntala ... 178 Cooper, Mr. J., mate of the Ruby, and Wm. ChadAlas, as protectors .. .. 7 Jearsey... .. . ... 166 Chandal Rajas of Bandelkhand, and the Constans, coins of .. ... cognomen Varma ... ... ... ... 272 272 Constantine, coins of ... ... .. 178 169


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