4 | bdag ni myanan hdas bar. du Ikhyod kyi gauů. dan khyod kyi.ni Iyon tan brjod pagan lags pahi tshig lam gñis nas. ñams magyar
5 gtam hdi tsam žig sñin por bas I de las gan don ma mchis pas smra na hdi ñid smra. bar sog| Iyair na bdag ni ma smrar sog❘ 6|khyod kyi chosni khona. dan | |khyod mñam khyod ni ñid. la. miah |
Ide slad chos gian thams cadni | Ikhyod las khyad du khor ma⚫lags | 7gan te sans rgyas chos. rnams ⚫ni | Ibsam pa bgyis na thams cad.kyil Iphul tu phyin gyur dños po gzan | Imigtaan. ñid dan.hdra bar gyur | 8khyod.hdra hgah yan ma mchis.na | Ilhag pa lta zig smos ci htshal | Ikhyod paskhyad par cun zad.kyis❘ Idman pa taam yan. hgah ma mchis 9 hdren pa khyod.la.gan.zig.gis |
|dper brjod.dpe ni mamchis pas Idpe yi glags ni spans. pa po | Idpe.med.khyod la phyag htshal.lo |
10 sans rgyas chos ni gzal yas⚫phyir | Ide las gan pahi gan zag nil Irnam grob hdra ba thob. rnams.
kyai |
khyod dan khyad par sin tu che 11 |ston pa tsam.du.hdra slad dal Isu zig.khyad par ma htshal-nas | [98 b] Iba spuhi bu ga⚫ston.pa.ni Ichui nu nam mkhah dag. dan. sgrun
12 grans med pa la su žig hgran | Itshad med pala su žig hjal Ikhyod kyi yon tan grans dan nil Imthu la dpogs pa ma mchis so
13 ji.ltar dpag baam singi tshal | |hbyam klas nai du ḥkhyams pa. Itar |
Text dgah.
stod, I. O. and Pet.
| bdag ni khyod la legs spyad kyis noms ma hthsal te mthah mi rtogs]
5. Not to speak of this story only being in my heart; matter other than this there being none, if I speak, this same may I speak, or may I not speak at all.
[JULY, 1905.
In celebrating the words and the virtues of thee until Nirvana, may I not come short of both [these?] paths of speech.
6. Truly the like of thy dharma and of thee is in thee alone. Therefore all other dharmas are not superior to thee.5
7. Which being the case, the dharmas of Buddha, when considered, have surpassed all and other things have become like impurity.
8. Since none is equal to thee, of a superior what need to speak? Even inferiority by a slight difference from thee there is
Since of thee, O guide, by whatever means comparison is made, compeer is there none, O thou who hast left behind the possibility of comparison, to thee, the Incomparable, hail!
Since the dharma of Buddha is without a peer, though others than he may have won liberation, as it were, in thee the superiority is altogether great.
11. Since their equality being only in their void,.none can claim superiority:10 the void of hair cavity compares but poorly with the heavens.
12. The uncomputable who can compute? The measureless who can estimate? In the number and power of thy virtues there is no measure.
13. As though roaming in a limitless grove of trees of paradise, in thee, insatiate of well doing, no end can I find.
• Sc. ' by me'?
'a sort of liberation'? [The same liberation.' P.]
10 No superiority is known' ?