Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 177
________________ JULY, 1906.] SOME ANGLO-INDIAN WORTHIES. 167 Protostant religion, and hath carried on a private trade not in India only, but promoted the same, out and home, Overrating our goods, and making use of our Stock for his owne private advantage and finding that he hath made verie short returnes of what is come to his hands, and hath neglected to send us his accompts, or any advices of his proceedings, We have and doe hereby discharge him from his Chiefship... and from being of the Councell or having any direction or management of our affaires." If Jearsey gave the Company "satisfaction" he was to be permitted to remain a year or two in India, but if not, his goods were to be seized and sold, and he was to be sent home by the next shipping. Meanwhile, there was much bickering going on at Masalipatam. In August 1669, Jersey was at variance with Mr Hooke the Ohaplain. The quarrel seems to have arisen from Mrs Jearsey's dislike of the clergyman. The following is the account of the affair as given by Richard Smithson to the Council at Fort St. George in a letter dated Masalipatam, 23rd August 1669: "Notwithstanding the faire Correspondence procured betweene Mr. Jearsey and Mr Hooke Mrs. Jearsey could Never bee Reconciled to him and though she Till now hid her Ranoour within her breast, It Appeares It was not Extinguished, Neither Indeede was it wholy hid, for Shee Told mee Long Since that It was the most foolish Act that Ever Mr. Jearsey did to Admitt Mr Hooke againe for (Said shee) they have allready done Mr Jearsey all the hurt they can by wrighting to the Company, and that was very ill done of them that Perswaded him to it. However as to mee and my wife (After A Little Strangeness att first was over) her Deportment was such as may Rather be called Freindship than Civility. Upon the 20 Instant some Talebearer told Mrs Jearsey that Mr Hooke should say, that If shee would go to the Devell her selfe, yett shee should not endeavour to Carry others along with her which was the occasion of that Discontent att Table mentioned in my laste to the Governour. Mr Hooke upon the 21 after Supper, Desiring to know his Accuser and Declaring that bee Suspected Walootte wife which hee had reason to doe, in Regard shee prosumed to foment and to Concerne her selfe in the Aggravating Mrs Jearsey's passion. Walcotts wife immediately fell to Revile and Reproach which shee was immediately seaconded by her Husband ... they continued one perpetual Olamour for two Hour together... Mr. Jearsey ... sate as unconcerned and would take no notice of it .... I have alsoe further to acquaint you that appon the Admission of Mr Hooke, It was agreed that before Sermon, those parts of Scripture and the Prayers prescribed by Authority should bee Read, and the Truth is appon other tearmes I would have had no hand in it) and to prevent disorder in, or Contempt of the publiok Service of God, which had become occasioned by the Mimicall and stagelike Carriage of Mr Waloott, who for some time before our Arrivall had officiated, I undertook it my selfe, and performed it till yesterday, and then in the forenoon alsoe at which time when I had proceeded soe fart as to the beginning of the Littany, Mr Jearsey Speaking Aloud Said Sing A Psalmo which I Readily obayed, att the singinge the Psalm Mr Hooke (as usually) came in, and when it was don, I gave him the Chaire (as formerly) setting downe uppon one side the Roome. Mr Jearsoy Said (Aloade) will you not Read the prayers out to which (Mr Hooke being about to Beginn his prayer) I made no Reply; Mr. Jearney Riseing up Said, what should wee stop to hear this prating for, and went his way; but noe Person followed him but his Nephew, and Mr Hooke proceeded. After Sermon I went to Mr. Jearseys, bee said what is the reason you did not read the prayers out? If I thought you would not have done It I would have done it my selfe, I answered Sir you Interrupted meo, and to have proceeded after the singing the Psalmo, being contrary to Custome could have been Interpreted no other, then an Espousing the Quarrell... which I will never doe while I Breath. Mr Jearsey said as I am Cheife of this place I can not, nor will not suffer this fellow to preach any longer, the Company have noe Authority but what they derive from the King, and he will not obay his Lawes, and By God, I will turne him away ; I shall suffer more dammage by keeping this fellow here this two months at your perswasion then by all the pretences


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