JULY, 1905.]
149 kun .ls .mi.thogs.blo.gros.can
dgons .pa .kunta.ne.bar.gnas - kun la thugs.rje.sñoms.pa .po
thugs.ni.kun.la.chags.mi.mah 150 Ses.byahi .rgya.mtsho.kun.rgalba
bag .chage.thams . cad.gtan. nas. spans | barchad . kungyi khyad . par. mkhyen
nes.par.hbyin .pa . kun.la.mkhas 151 kun.gyi.bsampa.mkhyen .pa .po
Igdul.be.thabs.kyi.pha®.rol.gbegel |ñon • mons. sna66.tshogathams.cad.
149. — With mind in all ways unattached,
in purpose wholly set, towards all indifferently compassionate, with heart
in everything void of propensity, 150.- Crossing the whole ocean of knowables,
all propensities determinedly relinquished, knowing the character of every obstacle, in every solution learned,
151. - Knower of every creature's thought, come
to the further shore of the means of Bell-restraint, although the adversary of all the various sins yet without fear,
I gñen.pola.yai .bsñens.mi.miah | 152 | khyod • la • brten • nas •smra • ba • po!
byis .pa . sed bye.magyar gan deni.ma.rig.mun.pa.yil
tahan.tshin.mi.bzad.mthu. lage.80 | 153 khyod .kyi. bkah la brten.nas.kyan
bral.bar.ma.gyur.gan lags.pa de dan.de.sgrib.ces.bgyi ste de dan.de.sgrib.mi.ad . lags
sans.rgyas.bcom . ldan . hdas. la. bstod .pa . bsnags • par hos Ps bsnags • palas.stobs.dan.mi.hjigs. pala .bstod . ps. Zes. bya.ba.ste. lehu.bzi.paho Il
152.- Upon thee relying if a child not yet
mature speaks, he is of a strength not to be overborne by the jungle of the
darkness of ignorance. 158.- What darkness is even by reliance upon
thy command not removed, this and that is darkness' - so if he shall say this and that darkness overcomes him not.
In the hymn to Buddha, "The Delineation of Him who Should be Delineated," the fourth chapter, entitled "The Hymning of the Strengths and the Fearlessnesses."
Profatory Note by Sir R. O. Temple. With the assistance of Miss Anstey, I have, for some years past, been preparing for the Hakluyt Society a MS. by Thomas Bowrey relating to the countries round the Bay of Bengal during the years 1669-1679.
Thomas Bowrey mentions & nomber of Anglo-Indians of his day, and, in the voluminous notes that have been appended to his text, I have given brief histories of each of them, so far as these could be ascertained. Some of his contemporaries, however, had remarkable careers, which have become forgotten. The notes gathered on these were in certain cases too numerous and long for publication as footnotes to Thomas Bowrey's MS., and accordingly, at my request, Miss Anstey has collected together, in brief biographies, the information regarding the worthies concerned, which information has been unearthed from all sorts of original and usually unworked sources. These biographies it is now proposed to publish in this Journal
WI.O. ma.
* I. O, ma