[JULY, 1905.
23 rangi .dbyig17. gishbyun. khuns
bżin Iran.gitshon.rtsis.rilta.bar ran.gi•dri.yis .tsan dan bżin | raugi.chu yis .mtsholta. bur
23. - As with its own riches a mine, as with
its own colourg18 a mountain, as with its own paste a sandal tree, as with its own water a lake:
24 ran las byun. bahi.gser. ñid .kyis
I gser.hbyunba yirinchen. bżin
khyod .bstan.ñid. las btas.pa .yil Iyon . tan. rnams. kyis. kbyod .mchod.
24. - As with the self-originated essence of
gold a jewel made of gold, I do honour to thee with virtues gathered from thine own teaching
25. - While the rays of the moon, issuing in
all directions, fall not entirely from the circle of heaven, expanded by the rays fallen upon the earth, the bed of white lotuses is not without its open buds.
25 nam .mkhahi .dkyil. Das • zla. hod.
thams.cad.du phrosio .pa .ril gyi. hbab. hgyurms.
yin. la Izla. hod. sa •sten. bab.pas • kha.phye.
nal me tog. ku.muda.tshalmi rgyas.
min 26 de bin. yon . tandpag. med.cha.
Idan.pal | rgyal. bahi. bsnags • pa•rgya • mtsho.
mthah.med.la deyi. phyogs.gcig.brjod. pas dad.
ldan.pahil skye. bohan . hdod • pahi.hbras . bur. mi. Idan.min
26. - So in the boundless sea of the delinea
tion of Jina, the water of which is immeasurable virtue, by celebrating a part, the faithful also is not without the fruit of his desire
27. - Celebration of the praise of Buddha is
the fruit of speech: it is the red spot and so forth of the root30 of faith and other virtues, which are the pare conveyance of the happy road, free from obstacles, brisk with the markets of lives.
27 sans rgyas • bsnags • pa. brjod. tshig
hbras.bu.yod skye. bahi.zon.brin.bder.gyar.gegs.
med lam Itshans. pahi. theg. hgyar dad sogs.
yon.tan.gyil rtsa bahi. ser.rme de la sogs.pa.
yod 28 dban . po.rabtu dan par.giol.gyar
cin sans.rgyas . bstod . pahi. gian .la .
brtson .pa .rnams | skad. cig. re.rer.chos.rgyun. hbyun.
bagai kun . mkhyen min pas cun zad. giun.minus
28. - Those who, amenable with senses in
repose, are earnest in giving heed to the celebration of Buddha are unable, since each moment various streams of dharmas (qualities) present themselves, through lack of omniscience, to heed even a little.
11 dbyige, Pet. 19 Lyhroo, Pet.
1 Sc., the colours of its minerals. to [.There is gathered the colleotion (
) of the roots.' P.)