[MAY, 1905.
bối, go | Imperative tense, Compare by án. XI. chüphúd, offering of water. In Tibetan the bök hár, kussian leather; the Tibetan is bolgar. accentuation would be chúphud. T. III. T. III.
codlto, in the morning ; also olto is said. X. bónē, great. XIII. This may be a plural form, bóno, great. I. bor. & field outside the village, in the desert. is Dá, arrow, T. (= mda). IV.
it derived from the Tibetan 'abrog? VI. dángpo, first. T. II. bórcos, swelling of the lips when ready for a dánni, teeth; the singular is dán. VIII. kiss). VIII.
darbár, darvár, assembly. III. boro, plural of bor. Also baráru is given as a dé, give! Imperative tense. Compare dyún. III. plural of bor. VI.
ding, green. IX. bragine, hand over, entrust. Perhaps an imper- dís, patting in the mouth, forms a compound ative tense. I.
with dé, give. III. brog, a field outside the village in the desert. dog leágshan, good or clover) in colour (or It is the Tibetan 'abrog. T. VI.
colouring). T. In Tibetan it is spelled Brúshal, a local name, III.
mdog legscan. VII. bú, stable for sheep. XII.
dólo, sky, heaven. V. bún, village. IX.
drálleágshan, clever in distributing. T. VII. bungbúng, in a houp. T. III.
dralleágshan (=grál leágahan), clever in putting bungledgshan, clever (literally good ') in making
in proper order. T. VII. a heap. T. III.
dránt, sharp, drínisa. Instrumental case. III. búrdum, name of a flower, the fox-tail-flower.'
drúmdrum, curly. VIII. VII.
dúd, milk. I. XII. búru, in the stable; locative case. XI. The
dúdule, name of a flower; the wild marguerite. I. termination may be Tibetan.
dyún, let us give. Compare de. It is either bugyódtó, afterwards. IV.
imperative or future tense. XIII. byá, bird, fowl. T. II.
daóm, assemble! T. ( = 'adzom). I. byárgyal rgodpo, eagle. T. byái, the same, or is it the plural of the preoeding? T. IX.
ék, one. I. byrin (or byúng), will go. IV., XI. Compare bói.
ékpö, one; the same word as the preceding,
furnished with the West-Tibetan emphatic
article. When used as indefinite article, ék Cabcab, suddenly, quickly. T. VIII.
is pronounced ils (or ig according to Tibetan cha, come to pass. T. I.
orthography) and placed after the noun, as chags, grew. T. II.
is the case in Tibetan. cháli, kid. XII. chálise, by the kid. Instrumental case. XIII. châlinda, kids, plural. XIII.
Gabís, name of a village. VI. Chámbrothing, local name. VI.
Ganogse, name of a village. VI. chándror, name of a yellow alpine flower. T. I. ghámo, joy, pleasure (=dgamo). T. III. cháng, native beer made of barley, T. I.
ghán, curdled milk. I. changabi, a handful. T. VIII.
ghanna, either genitive case, or status conchenmē, great. T. VII.
structus of ghan. VII. chinyun, let us keep off! It is either imperative
ghannas, ablative case of ghan. Perhaps a or future tense. XIII.
Tibetan formation. XIII. chódde, being finished, come to the end. T. IV.
Ghásing manthrókhar, name of a village (or of chóngrt,bill of jewels (chong is a precious stone). two situated close to each other). VI. T. II.
ghí, butter; not only clarified butter. XV. chumpo, lip, lips. VIII.
ghobong (=sgobo), body. T. VIII.