(MAY, 1906.
Superintendent of Rivers shall issue free pass to persons who launch their own boats or ferries to cross rivers. He shall likewise issue free pass to Brahmans, ascetics, the young, the old, the afflicted, pregnant women, and persons who carry seeds and provisions to villages situated in marshy tracts.
The Saperintendent shall arrest persons of the following description :
(1) Persons eloping with the wives or daughters of other persons; (2) Persons carrying stolen property; (3) Persons of a disturbed appearance; (4) Persons carrying on clandestine traffio in precious ware ; (5) Persons under sudden disguise ; (6) Ascetics without any sign of their class or faith; (7) Persons pretending to be afflicted; (8) Persons of an agitated mind; (9) Persons that appear to be engaged in carrying on any secret purpose, such as
secret message, poisons, and explosives ; and (10) Persons travelling with no definite purpose.
(AE) Bates of Bont-hire.
A person taking his wife or a quadruped with him shall pay as boat-hire one daha or one-sixteenth of a paņa. Persons carrying a head-load or less than a head-load of any commodities, and persons leading a horse or a cow, shall pay as boat-hire two máshas. The boat-hire for a camel or a buffalo shall be four mdahar ; for a small cart, five mdahas ; for a cart of medium size with bullocks, six mashas, and for a big cart, seven mdshas. Boat-hire for a cart-load of merchandise shall be four mdohas. Boat-hire on large rivers shall be at double the above rates.
Villages situated in marshy places shall pay ~ Bzed quantity of victuals to the Government.
The Superintendent of Boundaries with Rivers shall levy the following taxes on travellon -
(1) Boat-hire. (2) Tolls. (8) Road ceas on quadrupeds.
(4) Road cons on merchandise. Persons carrying on their morohandise withont a pas shall be deprived of their merchandise.