MAY, 1906.)
• Persons conveying any kind of commodity on other than prescribed times, and persons fording rivers in places other than prescribed for fording, shall be deprived of their entire commodity.
Masters of ships shall be held responsible for any loss incurred by travellers on account of want of safficient crew or on account of sailing in a damaged ship.
The above rules and regulations about ferries and boats shall be in force between the months of June and September (Åshidha and Kartika) of every year.
(AT) Xines.
Mines which require large outlay of ospital and labour to work out may be lessed out to private contractors on condition of their paying to the Government either fixed portion of the output from the mines or a fixed amount of money. Such mining operations as entail no considerable expenditare may be worked out by Government agonoy
The king shall maintain as a Government monopoly the essaying of ores, collection of ores, coining and commoroe in minerals, and shall levy the following nine rates from miners :
(1) Mulya.--The value of the ontpat from mines. (2) Vibhaga.-A certain portion (one-fifth or one-sixth) of the output. (3) Vyaji.-Five per cent, more, both in cash and kind, over and above the value and
portion of the outpat. (4) Parigha. Testing charge payable at the rate of one-eighth of a pana per cent. on
the value of the ontput. (5) Atyaya.--Fized fines collected from miners for offences which they may or may
not have committed in the course of their mining operations. (6) Sulka.-Tolls. (7) Vaidharana.- Compensation on account of causing loss, either in manufacture or
commerce. (8) Danda.--Fines imposed on occasions for transgressing mining rules. (9) Rápika.-Eight per cent. more on the cash payable to the Government by
(AG) Gardens.
It has been already shown in connection with agriculture how the ancient kings exacted from cultivators two kinds of taxes, one, a land-tax, equivalent to one-fifth or one-sixth part of the total produce, and another, water-rate (udakabhdga), equal to one-fifth or one-fourth of the