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(HV2O) SVOBarqevel to staiq-19qgo abaalaй Janaratna Dr. Hiranandielovek mint malgraphits for "Taif at Gurdaspur in the Panjab Zoo with a bi experience, having worked this has ongi, the United Ploendai Kahami direntral Provinces, Bihar and South India, and having conducted textavations: Epigraphy was Ris main intering the letter. gotballe servierte erafiladi: Heserted his Curator of the Museums, too, as pakasagaleg in Keminmound, Samol at N Lucknow scholar and kept up his interest in this subject till the end. Having worked bas Cursos of Museums in different parts of India, he had an opportunity to agguairt himself, thesayable with Indian art.
eyalq aunbraviT nestale ed to qiderodeus edt based He was born in 1878 in the Panjab. He had a brilliantduestione parser in the DAV College, Lahore, from where he graduated, winning a gold medal for standing, first in the Be with English. He continued his studies in College Lahore from which institution he e look the M.A. degree of the Panjab University in 1900, winning gold medals and a purse for standing first in Sanskrit and Oriental Classics with English. He started life as Professor of Sanskrit and Philosophy in his own College (the D. A. V. College) and was the Reader in Sanskrit at the PAMAMAнbing.JAHArative Philology to the M.A. classes. He then passed the Honours Examination in Sanskrit and got the degree of Oriental 1923 Ke of to for India, his Universityagdi ihbatdod him being on him the Wege or botto of Literature for a jo mist 9701157 thesis on floBhadar who the authorship of the third Tinianfum fys loogabished as Memoir ed.mor No. of the Memphisofthe schologiehl survey of Thida tn 1938 the Baroda Government Beton honoured hinwiththe title of Jahre 19978 si botrate bas earbaMsgelio e'eqqayedodoa ads stolp Icode TIAR Hevjoined the Aleological Survey of that is a banjo stal H in & Assistant Archeological Surveyor Northern Coleta Ah8logical Assistant, Librarian and Curator of the Government Mdsedia Nagsubsequent 1913, see the Curator of the Pravi Provincial Musei ao Baoknow9 heal send on deputation to the Jammu and Kashmir State as Superintendent of Athology. There Whisky 12 shtator of, the State" Museum at Sagarse was inargeted p 1926 a 10 m he was posted Assistent Sagerintendent archeological Survey, master cards, Patil, and became the Oficiating
Superintendentofthat role tha1922 rideshare Wastian fata dva red Ootacassati
Superintendent for Epigraphy but went to Kotagiri within about a month as Officiating Superin he seopps to tendent the Ashmological Supria do Eliteselkun 4925 edit th Briggan Bran Byperinte@lent, melkán 1925, stþórétirembouöl Rav Balad! Khattan? ni Sastri, Sastham in Governed by grphismunda Bathi thay pheresi nearly nine years with distinction, and in that capacity edited padto of Volume XVIII and xxpics and the whole of Volume XX, and phtha#pigatehiyadisonkler til retainian Decanada lo ber 1933 19f service under the Govermentiofdbediahasyapprocheck in the Baroda Sudio-dsm10) ector of Archeology, in November 1934. Habelda to post till 1942 when He retired fond that d service also, 8911s tapigolosadorA badanobyl edt 1ot exiomsM. 1odto has lodqoX to anoikqoal pinnÄ SAT Hitinnya, Inskilogy, okyany in Beynimidostenĝero Maçað bentofthe Arendỏmgiá report thedari Chola hope ev be in share full que destine Regina Archivey of India The the piggundio tide witho tions from mieste, whichis ginenblaser alibal tuo ai anti siroting lo til s
1 Machhlishar copper-plate of Harischandradeva of Kanauj; Vikrama Samvat 1253 (Vol. 2 Copper-plate insoription of Govindachandradeva; Samvat 1186 (Vol. XIII).
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