Gnani Purush has no ego of doer-ship garva. "I am doing this, I have done that.' All that is ego of doer-ship. Coming back to the Self, or attaining the Self, there is no doership. The juice of doership garvaras is very sweet. As soon as 'I did' is felt, the sweetness of the ego of doer-ship is tasted. within one's self." It happened because I was there" is the taste of ego of doer-ship. In this world, there is nothing more sweet than the taste of the ego of doer-ship.
How does the taste of the ego of doer-ship go away? It goes away by knowing the Vignan. Which Vignan? To know, 'Who is doing all this?' It will make you know that you are not the doer. After that the taste of the ego of doer-ship that I am doing' is not there. The Gnani Purush does not have 'I did' with any action.
The intoxication of 'I know' is a terrible danger! That disease will never go away without the Gnani's help. It is more dangerous than poison. If you want to have ego, have the ego that, "I don't know anything."
When others praise you and you are in an intoxicated state for the whole day; that is called praise intoxication. And the taste of the ego of doership is, 'I did so nicely!' That doership, 'I am the doer' creates the habit of tasting the ego of doer-ship further.
What should be done so that the ego of doer-ship is not tasted? Nothing is to be done. The awareness, 'I am the Self,' separates one from, 'I am the doer,'and the taste of doership.
There is no garavata wallowing in worldly pleasures in the Gnani Purush. The garavata of human beings disinclined to spirituality, is likened to a buffalo siting in the cold dirty mud on a hot summer day. Nothing would budge it. Similarly, those who are engrossed in the worldly pleasures such as taste, success and achievement, and the knowledge of scriptures are stuck in them and these prevent them from any spiritual progress. Only the compassion of the Gnani Purush can one get out of it.
With the explanations and later by the Gnan given by the Gnani Purush one understands that there is no real happiness in the worldly life and gets the conviction pratiti that real happiness is only in the Self. This firm decision helps get rid of garavata. Akram Vignan says that the one who