Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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CUNEIFORM WRITING H. R. Hall, Ancient History of the Near East, 6th edit., London, 1924. S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts, London, 1924. E. A. Wallis Budge, The Rise and Progress of Assyriology, London, 1925.
A. Ungnad, Babylonisch-assyrische Grammatik, 2nd ed., Munich, 1925; Babylonisch-assyrisches Keilschriftlesebuch, Munich, 1927.
F. W. Kønig. F. Bork and G. Huesing, Corpus Inscriptionum Elamicartem, I, Leipsic, 1926.
E. Unger, Die Keilschrift, Leipsic, 1929. E. A. Speiser, Mesopotamian Origins, etc., Philadelphia, 1930.
H. Frankfort, Archeology and the Sumerian Problem, Chicago, 1932; Cylinder Seals, London, 1939.
E. Burrows, Ur Excavations: Texts. Archaic Texts, London, 1935.
Miscellanea orientalia dedicata Antonio Deimel (articles by W. Eilers, J. Schaumberger, N. Schneider and others), Rome, 1935.
C. G. Cameron, History of Early Iran, Chicago, 1936.
R. H. Pfeiffer, One Hundred Neto Selected Nusi Texts, etc., New Haven, 1936: and E.R. Lacheman, Miscellaneous Texts from Nuzi, Cambridge, Mass., 1942.
A. Falkenstein, Archerische Texte aus Uruk, Leipsic, 1936. S. Lloyd, Mesopotamia, London, 1936. E. Dhorme, La Littérature babylonienne et assyrienne, Paris, 1937.
M. Rutten, Elements d'accadien, Paris, 1937: Notes de paléographic cuneiforme, "REVUE DES ÉTUDES SEMITIQUES," 1940.
F. J. Stephens, Votive and Historical Texts from Babylonia and Assyria, New Haven, 1937: Old Assyrian Letters and Business Documents, New Haven, 1944.
Th. J. Meek, The Present State of Mesopotamian Studies, "THE HAVERFORD SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE Btate," New Haven, 1938.
G. Ryckmans, Grammaire accadienne, Louvain, 1938, C. Clark, The Art of Early Writing, London, 1938.
J. Friedrich, Kleine Beitrrege zur churritischen Grammatik, Leipsic, 1939: Hethitisches Elementarbuch, I, Heidelberg, 1940; II, 1946.
A Deimel, Sumerische Grammatik, etc, and ed., Rome, 1939.
A. Pohl and P. W. Skehan, Keilaclariftbibliographie 1939-1945. "ORIENTALIA," 1940-1946; A. Pohl and C. H. Gordon, idem (1.X.1945-1.X.1946), ibidem, 1947.
E. Chiera, They Wrote on Clay, 1938; Les Tablettes Babyloniennes, Paris, 1940.
G. Contenau, Le début de l'écriture cuneiforme, etc., "REVUE DES ETUDES SÉMITIQUES, 1940
V. Christian, Altertumskunde des Ztverstromlandes, etc., Leipsie, 1940. E. E. Herzfeld, Iran in the Ancient East, London New York, 1941. P. Naster, Chrestomathie accadienne, Louvain, 1941. G. Boson, Quattro elenchi di segni sillabici cuneiformi, Milan, 1942. C. Huart and L. Delaporte, L'Iran antique, etc., Paris, 1943 I. J. Gelb, Hurrians and Subarians, Chicago, 1944 S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Mythology, Philadelphia, 1944.
N. E. Vrouryr, Inscriptions ouarteentes e Annales des rois d'Assyrie, Antwerp. 1944.
R. Labat, Manuel d'epigraphie akkadienne, Paris, 1948.
G. R. Driver, Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet ("The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy, 1944"), London, Oxford University Press, 1948 (Part I. Cuneiform Scripts, is an excellent monograph on the subject)
Articles on Assyriology, Cuneiform Writing, Mesopotamia, etc., in Encyclopeedia Britanica and similar works should also be consulted.