________________ NYAYA THEORI OF KNOWLEDGE 4. Doubt (samsaya) Doubt (samsaya) is the cognition of conflicting notions? (vimarsa) with regard to the same object? It is the mental reference of two or more contradictory properties to the same object. In it the mind oscillates between differ- ; ent alternate characterisations of some given object.? Doubt thus consists in an alternation between different conflicting notions with regard to the same object. The alternatives between which the mind passes in succession in the state of doubt are called kotis. These may be two or more in different instances of doubt. Sometimes they are contrary terms le g. post and man) and sometimes contradictory terms (e.g. post and not-post) Doubt arises when with regard to some perceived object there is the suggestion of such conflicting alternatives but no definite cognition of any differentia to decide between them Hence doubt has been spoken of as incomplete or indecisive cognition (unaradharanatmaha) But doubt is not merely the absence (abhara of assured cognition (niscaya). It is not mere negation of knowledge. It is a positive state of cognition of mutually exclusive characters in the same tbing and at the saine time The state of doubt may be analysed into the following factors. There is first the presentation of some existent object. Next by virtue of association the presented fact calls forth two or more apperceptive systems, each of which tries to appropriate it but is counteracted by the rest. In the absence of any definite cognition of such differentiating characters in the presentation as answer to any of the apperceptive groups, the mind oscillates between them and we have the phenomenon of doubt. Hence doubt 1 NS., 1 1 23. Ekagmiu dharmini viruddhanina Jharmavaibagtyajninam samsayal, Ts., p. 82