1. The Nyaya definition of sabda and its different kinds
Sabda literally means verbal knowledge. It is the knowledge of objects derived from words or sentences. All verbal knowledge, however, is not valid Hence sabda, as a pramāna, is defined in the Nvaya as valid verbal testimony It consists in the assertion of a trustworthy person.' A verbal statement is valid when it comes from a person who knows the truth and speaks the truth about anything for the guidance of other persons. But it is a
matter of common observation that a sentence or statement is not by itself sufficient to give us any knowledge of things. Nor again does the mere perception of the words of a sentence lead to any knowledge about objects. It is only when one perceives the words and understands their meanings that he acquires any knowledge from a verbal statement. Hence while the validity of verbal knowledge depends on its being based on the statement of a trustworthy person, its possibility is conditional on the understanding of the meaning of that statement Hence sabda or testimony as a source of valid knowledge consists in understanding the meaning of the statement of a trustworthy person.
It will appear from the above definition that the first step in sabda or testimony is the perception of the words of a sentence or proposition set forth by so'ne trustworthy person.
1 Aptopadeśaḥ sabdaḥ, NS, 1.1 7
2 Vide TR, pp. 94-95.
3 Vide BP. & SM, 81 Cf Vakyarthajñānam sabdajñānam, TS
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