13 Kavindrava canasamuccaya. By F. W. Thomas, pp. 60-2 Calcutta, 1912. 14. Miscellaneous Essays. By H. T. Colebrooke Vol III, pp. 123-34.
London, 1873 15 Indra What can at teach us 2 By F. Max Muller, pp. 332-5 London, 1883. 16. Indrens Interatur und Cultur. By Leopold von Schioeder, pp. 647–55.
Leipzig, 1887 17. A History of Sanskrit Literature. By A. A. Macdonell, pp 362–5. London,
1900. 18. Dre Interaturen Indrens und Ostasiens. By Alex. Baumgartner, pp. 172-87.
Freiburg in Breisgau, 1902, 19. Klein's Geschichte des Dramas Bd. III. Leipzig, 1866. 20 Fourth Report By P. Peterson, plxxxvi 21. Les epoques Intterarres de l'Inde By Félix Neve Bruxelles-Paris, 1883
(Occasional references in the chapter headed 'Essai sur l'origine et les
sources du diame indien :) 22. Catalogus Catalogorum By Th Aufrecht. Vol. I, p 398. Leipzig, 1891 23 Gaudavaho. Edited by S. P. Paņdit Bombay, 1887 Introduction. 24. The Indian Theatre. By E. P. Horwitz Glasgow and Bombay, 1912
(pp. 127 ff).
AB. Abhi
Alankārasar. Amara.
Mahaviracarta. Edited by A. Borooah. Calcutta, 1877. Abhidhānacitāmanı. Herausgegeben von Boehtlingk. St. Peters
burg, 1847. Alankārasarvasva Kávyamala Series. Bombay, 1893. Amarakosa. With the commentary of Bhanuji Dikshit. Edited
with notes by Sivadatta. Bombay, 1889. Anargharāghava. With the commentary of Lakşmana Sūrı
Tanja-nagara, 1900. Anekārthasamgraha. Edited by Th. Zachariae. Vienna and
Bombay, 1893. Āpastambiya-dharma-sūtra. Edited by G Buhler. Bombay, 1892 Āpastambīya Grhyasūtra. Edited by Winternitz. Vienna, 1887. The Grhya Sutra of Asvalāyana B. I. Series. Calcutta, 1869. Balarāmāyana. Edited by Govinda Deva Sastır Benaies, 1869. Srimad-bhagavad-gītā. A. A. Series. Poona, 1896. Bhattıkāvya. Edited by Vināyaka Nārāyana Shastri Joshi and
his son. Bombay, 1900. Corrected or correction.
Āpas. Dh. Āpas Gr. Asv. Gr. Bal.
1 References to prose portions in the Dramas are made in the verses which piecede and follow them Thus I. (or I. 9/10) means Act I, prose passages between verses 9 and 10.