seen again and again' has no sense here But what Paraśurāma intends to express is this: 'If I but cast one single angry look at him, he would be reduced to ashes'. Only Mt's sakrd' expiesses this idea.
1 6. a-brahma-varcasam, &c. An Avyayibhāva compound, the negative particle a'having the sense of abhāva' oi negation. For the different senses of such compounds see Pan II. 1, 6.
1 9. pālyo 'sr. Mt's reading 'palyo 'pr' is, however, preferable. 1. 10 atas tvāni, &c Cf. for the second half-verse Bal I 52.
1 11. prāk-samskār a-vasena Viśvāmitra was formerly a Ksatriya and consequently an archer He had attained Brahmanhood by virtue of his hard penances See Rūm I. 51; Anar. I 22 samshūras are the impressions of a former existence or even of an earlier period of the same one.
1 13 Verse 44 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Daśar, IV 68 to illustrate the mātsarya-vibhāvo raudra-rasah
1 14 sva-jātz-samayena Cf. Mv. p 145, l. 15, Utt. I 4/5
Page 84, 1. 6. vijayeyam The root ge with the preposition vi is usually Atmanepacla , but is here used in the Parasmarpada
1 10. vasistha-dhaur eyāh. Literally, 'headed by Vasistha'
1 13 yījyānām 20 All the commentators interpret yāgya here as 'iespectable' I adhere to the meaning given to the word on p 72, 1 3 above
The substitution of 'no' for 'vo' would give a better sense 1. 14 zsiūna-jyoth, &c. Of the parallel Anar II 34
Page 85, 1 3 Verse 48 Notice the harsh sounds imitating the sense Of the paraphrase of the first line in Bal. IV 57, Pras p. 78, 1. 7. Cf also Utt. V 9.
Page 86, 1 1 bho bho varmanıkāh, &c Of Anar IV 56/57, 65 This prose passage and the following verse are quoted in the commentary to Dasar I 55 and Säh. 310 as an example of culiha
14 abhaya-dana-vrata-dharah. Cf sak. II 16, Anar III 31, IV 40, cf. also for the second half-verse the close parallel Anar V. 24
1 5 dinahara-kulendu. Cf Utt VI 8, Anar VI. 50
1 9. Sanskrit chāya na hi yusmūblurr nirūpitam visamvadatr sāmpratam cotkampitäsma | tat kem atra karaniyan. For visamvadar we should rather substitute the Sauraseni form visamvadadı.
yusmābhir nirüptam refers to Malyavān's words on' p 40, 1 1 Pick wrongly translates it as 'that which you intended is not effected'.
1 11. yasau, &c. Cf. Anar. IV. 14/15. prāk-pratiśruta For this occasion see Rām. II. 9.
Page 87, 1. 4. Sanskrit chayā kom manyadhve karsyatı evam nāma itr. Çf. the parallel passage Anar. IV. 14/15,