Book Title: Mahavira Charitam
Author(s): Todarmal Pandit
Publisher: University of Panjab Lahore

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Page 277
________________ ACT I 219 AB's rendering carane äcarane dharmānusthāne gur avah is not possible. In his Preface, p v, he says. "As I understand, it means that the family of Bhavabhati was not only "versed in the Taittuiya Veda ", but also "great in the observance (of Vedic rites)". On p. iv he criticizes the commentators who make it mean (a) disciples of Caraņa' (a teacher), or (6) great by metres'. I agree with him, but do not know which commentaries are referred to by him. See also Jagaddhara's explanation on Māl p. 6 (commentary). 1. 7. pankta pāvana. 'A respectable Brahman who, being very learned, always gets the seat of honour at dinner parties, or who purifies by his presence the panktı or persons who sit in the same row to dine with him '- Apte in his Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. See also Jagaddhara's commentary on Mal p 6, where he quotes from Manu, III. 183, 184, 186. Of also Vişnusmrti, lxxxui. 1. pañcägnayah See Manu, III 185. 1 8. tadāmusyāyana See Pan IV. 1, 99 Page 3, 1. 2 vidān-huriantu. Cf. Utt. I 1/2. See Pān III 1, 41. 1. 3 parama-hamsas are a particular order of religious mendicants. Cf Caturvidha bhiksavas te huticaha-bahūdakau | hamsah paramahamsaś ca yo yah paścāt sa uttamah |--Mahābhārata. 1. 4. yathārtha-nāmā, &c. The latter half of the verse is repeated in Mal. I. 9. 1 5. manyu-müla The meaning of the word manyu is doubtful here. Commentators differ in their interpretations. AB interprets at as soka', and so does Pick, who translates it by 'sorrow'. SR gives darnya (miserable state') as the meaning, and VR. offers as alternative senses darnya and kopa However, they all agree in explaining it as referring either to Rāvana in particular, or to the demons in general. 1. 7. virädbhuta-priyatayā clearly refers to the poet's love of the two Rasas VR. is wrong in explaining it as 'because of its (ie the work's) containing the Heroic, the Marvellous, and the Erotic Sentiments', and in asserting that it gives the reason for uddhrta-jagat-traya-manyu-mülam. Pick. is likewise mistaken when he translates. 'through his great love for the hero he composed it'. Cf. the parallel passages Anar. I. 6. võrādbhuta is repeated also in Anar. III. 24; and Būl. I 2. Priyatā is repeated in II. 22 below. śrotriya. Cf. p. 9, 1. 1 below. See Pan. V. 2, 84. Cf. the definition. janmanā brähmano gñeyaḥ samskärarr dvija ucyate | vidyaya yati vipratvam tmbhih śrotrya ucyate | See also Tripurāli's commentary on Mâl. I. 7. śrotryaputra is repeated in Anar. I. 8/9. 1. 9. paripunantu, i.e. by listening to it. 1. 10. prathamah kavīnām. Reference is to the adr-kan, Valmiki, cf. ūdyah kavır ası: Utt. II. 5/6 Cf. kavrtvavatāra-prathama-tīrthasya: Anar. I. 6/7, Cf. also Utt. III. 48. Page 4, 1. 1. samaramsata. The MSS. evidence is in favour of the reading samaranta, 'were brought together', from the root r with sam; but the regular


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