Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 24
________________ 18 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1879. glorious, always continuing in protection, and Komkan-adhisvarâņam sarvvasvam gribitva abounding in skilful valour, and tearing open uttara - dig - vijay - arttham Kölha(llâ ?)purathe frontal globes of the rutting elephants who samipa - samâvâsita - nija - vijaya - skamdhávård are those that are blind with passion, and Pagalaţi-vishay - arintahpåti - Mudunira - grâma - possessed of great glory which gleams over the játâya Kansika-gôtrậya Bahvpicha-sâkhảya world. While he is the protector, the world brahmachariņê Sridharabhatta-pautráya is calm, and kings treat with contempt even Rêvaņkryyabhatta-putrầya Vasudêvâryyaangry Death; and the beggar, having obtained sarmmanê yajana-yâjan-di-shat-karmmafrom him wealth that surpasses his wish, re- nirataya vêda-vôdâmga-påragya. Padadoremembers not the (plenty-giving) trees of the | dvi - sahasr-antahpâti - Karaţikannu-trisata - gods. Through him the whole world has madhyê Madabhûrûra-gråmah sa-dhanyaattained the condition of being possessed of a hirany-adêyaḥ n idhi-nidhana-samêtah good king; the goddess of royalty dwells in råjakiyânâm=an-anguli-prêkshaniyaḥ sa-sulkaḥ his white umbrella; having his feet made sarvva-kara-bådhå-paritaḥ sarvvanamasy8= beautiful with the lustre of the jewels in the grahârð dattah diadems of all the hostile kings who have been Translation. bowed down by him, he is a very king of heroes "He, the glorious Jagad & ka mallad dva, among heroes. Abstaining, even without ob- the glorious Vallabhanarendradova, structing their happiness, from the society of the favourite of the world, the great king, the faulty people, and being decorated with good supreme king, the supreme lord, the most worfeeling, he attained the lordship of the world. shipful one, the glory of the family of Satya. The district of Kuntala, fragrant with its | sraya, the asylum of the universe, the ornajasmines, is very glorions, having attained fer ment of the Chalukyas being in good health, tility through the moisture of the celebrated thus informs all those who are concerned, (vis.) (river) Krishnavernâ, and honesty" (on the the lords of countries, the lords of districts, the part of its inhabitants) through the affection" heads of villages, the Ayuktakas, the Niyuktakas, of the celebrated (and former king) Taila." the Adhikarikas, the Mahattaras", and others : Be it known to you that,-in nine centuries The identity of the two inscriptions cesses of years, increased by forty-six, (or) in figures, at this point. The Miraj plates continue :- the year 946, in the years which had exText. pired in the era of the Saka kings, on the day Sa tu sri-prithvivallabha-maharaj-adhiraja- of the full moon of the month) Vaisakha paramêsvara-paramabhattáraka - Satyasrayaku- in the Raktákshi sanvatsara", on Sunday, latilaka - samastabhavanåsraya - Chalukyabhara- -at Our victorious camp which, after warring naśrimaj-Jagadêkamalladêvah srimad- against the mighty Chôla, the supreme lord Vallabhanarendradêvah kusali sarvvân=éva of the city of) Chandramila, and after yatha - sambadhyamânakân = râshtrapati - taking the property of the lords of the vishayapati-gråmakutak - ayuktaka - niyuktak- Seven Konkaņas", is located near the city adhikarika-mahattar & din=samadišaty=asta vah of) Kolhapura for the purpose of conquer. samviditam yath=asmábhih Saka-ntipa-kál. ing the northern country,--the village of Mâd &atita. samvatsara - satêshu navasu shat- bhûrûru, in the Karaţikannu Threechatvarimsad-adhikoshv=amkataḥ samvat 946 hundred which lies in the Padad ore Two-thonRaktákshi - samvatsar - amtarggata - Vaisakha- sand, has been given by Us, with its grain and gold paarnnamäsyâm=Adityavârê ya Chamdramil. and adêyal, and with its deposit of treasure, and adhipatim balavamtam Cholam nirgghâtya sapta- not to be pointed at with the finger (of confiscaSaralata. es Sneha. Gramakatakas are evidently referred to here as distinct • This verse is rather obscure, and it is not easy to see from the Mahattaras. why it is introduced. The Kpishaverna, or Krishnavenna, By the Tables in Brown's Carnatic Chronology, Saks iss river somewhere in the Kuntala district, mentioned 946 was the Raktákshi samvatsara. in several other inscriptions; and taila cannot well apply "Or, "of the seven lords of the Konkanas." to anything but the king of that name. 100 This is the modern form of the name. The original 1 These are four classes of officials, the nature of probably has 'Kollapur', which is the ancient form, and whose functions is not apparent. Professor Monier is used in inscriptions of even later date than this. Williams explains Mahattara as the same as Grdmakita, 101 A technical term, the proper moaning of which is not the head-man, or the oldest man, of village. But the clear. Professor Monier Williams explains it, from da,


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